2017 IS YOUR YEAR!   I believe that you are curious about the meaning of this title. You should continue to read and you will know what I mean. I started to search on the net for words from well- known prophets. I wanted to see what they said about 2017. I do not quite know what I had expected, but I did discover that they emphasized different parts of the Bible. They didn’t contradict each other, but they had totally different head-lines. None of us need to doubt the fact that we live ... (read more)


ANNUAL BALANCE OF ACCOUNTS.   You might ask yourself what accounting has to do with God, but you should know by now that I use examples from real life and compare that with our spiritual walk with God. Annual balance of accounts is held at the end of each year or at the very beginning of the new year. One goes through transactions and documents. One is checking if time limits are kept and if things are done correctly. Are laws and regulations been followed? Maybe some mistakes can be ... (read more)


CHRISTMAS, MERRY CHRISTMAS!   During the last weeks before Christmas we can see Christmas preparations everywhere all over the world. We see candles in dark streets already in the month of November. Christmas trees are light up on the first Sunday in Advent. In Sweden where I live we see candles and decorations in windows and on balconies. This is an outward symbol: Darkness is broken. We are making it cozy around us and everything is supposed to remind us of something good and nice. I get ... (read more)


WHERE DOES MY HELP COME FROM?     A huge part of the world is living in fear. We hear about natural disasters, terror and violence. Christians are persecuted in many parts of the world. They might be killed or they are limited in practicing their faith. It has become worse and the Bible has been telling us about that. Things have become worse in the world, but God has not meant for the devil to be the victorious one. God is very active in these days. I have many testimonies about ... (read more)


MONEY   I have written about this before, but it is a theme that should be talked about regularly in the Body of Christ. One is saying that most Christians are falling in three areas: money, power and sex. When one reads about known preachers and tragic stories from somewhere, it seems to be the truth. Sometimes they fall in only one area or in all three. We must therefore talk about these areas. If we avoid talking about them, the devil might increase his power. I prefer to put a ... (read more)


THE DEATH. I will write about a serious theme today and I guess I do so because I am with a close relative going towards the end of her journey. We human beings have two things in common and that is: We get born and one day we will die one day. That means that one day our earthly lives will come to an end and our bodies will stop functioning, but as Christians we have a wonderful eternity waiting for us. Let us start by reading John 14. I recommend you to read the first six verses. It starts by ... (read more)


SOLAR ENERGY.   Don’t worry. I am not entering into the business of energy nor do I mean to advertise or sell solar energy. You know by now that I am using pictures and symbols to describe spiritual truths and this time I use the sun and the energy coming from the sun. I am living in a housing complex where they have changed all the outdoor lamps with solar energy. It has actually become brighter and that’s good since the sun is going down earlier and earlier towards the evening. The ... (read more)


RECONCILIATION Part 2 While I was writing about reconciliation, a woman contacted me and asked for forgiveness for something she did and she wanted a renewed contact. I became very happy and I have forgiven and want to renew the relationship. I was also thankful to the Lord and this was another proof that He wants reconciliation and He is working on the hearts of people. I wrote a lot about the role of the father last time. A lot of the same things are the same for mothers. I have lately had ... (read more)


RECONCILIATION. Part 1 I will write about something that the Lord is concerned about and since He is, I am also. Reconciliation has always been important, but I think it is more important than ever since many of us believe that Jesus is coming soon for His bride. Forgiveness and reconciliation are two words that belong together. The Bible has written quite a lot about this and I will refer to the Word of God. When I read the Old Testament, I saw that a gift was often used as a sign of ... (read more)


WHAT DOES TRUTH MEAN AND HOW IMPORTANT IS IT?   I am now touching on a subject that is both difficult and simple. Dear God, please help me. Do I believe that there are absolute truths? Yes, I do believe that. Do I believe that I hold all the truths? No, I seriously do not believe that, but I am seeking the truth and hate lies. When my children were small, they couldn’t do anything worse to me than lying. That created emotional reactions in me. I can forgive a lot when people are open and ... (read more)