TIME FOR REVEALING.   I will start by reading 2. Peter 3:14. It says there that the Lord should find us without spots and we should be blameless. We are the Bride and Jesus is the Bridegroom. Jesus has given us His righteousness and I call that our white and spotless wedding dress. We know that the time is drawing closer to His return to earth even if we do not know the time. We are not supposed to know either. It seems like many Christians have been able to live in sin, covered by ... (read more)


EVERY GOOD GIFT AND EVERY PERFECT GIFT IS FROM ABOVE. This headline is taken from James 1:17. It continues to say that God is the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. God is good, He is only good. I am very simple in my faith, and I therefore say that everything good comes from God and everything bad comes from the devil. There is nothing good in or from the devil. Jeremiah 33:3 says that we should cry unto the Lord and He will answer us. Why do we cry unto so ... (read more)


WHAT IS OLD, IS OLD! I like to make cryptical headlines. It might make the readers curious and more eager to read what is underneath the headline. I am writing this sermon right before the New Year. 2024 has been a year full of wars and catastrophes around the world. We have been very close to a third world war this year. In Sweden they give regularly out a folder about how we should prepare ourselves for wars and difficult times. We should have enough water and sustainable food, candles and ... (read more)


O HAPPY CHRISTMAS OR?   I love the time before Christmas, during Christmas and after Christmas. I have a few times become stressed because of all the demands and everything that has to be done. I used to send a lot of Christmas cards and letters. The house must be in order and be decorated, the tree must be decorated, and I also keep the traditions of buying gifts. I do not bake a lot, but a few cakes must be made. This year I have a few family members with problems and some of the ... (read more)


ARE YOU ABLE TO SAY SORRY?   When my children were young, I thought them to say sorry if they had done something wrong. Children will make mistakes, and it might sometimes be part of their process of learning, but I now talk about the time when they should start understanding what is wrong and what is right. I believe that we as Christian parents should teach our children what is sinful and not. Some parents are making up their own rules and use the word sin without basing it on The Word ... (read more)


WHEN DOES A CHURCH BECOME A SECT? I will not call myself an expert in this theme, but I have read about this, and I was in Sweden when the murders and drama happened at the denomination at Knutby. I have also read and listened to many reports about this sect. I, myself, have been a member of churches with certain tendencies of sectarianism. A Norwegian TV-channel is sending six programmes revealing a church called the Word of Truth as a sect these days. The word sect means the way. A sect is ... (read more)


SHALL YOU OR GOD FIX THE PROBLEM?   I am asking a question that do not have clear answers. It depends on the situation, and on what the Word of God is saying about the matter. I want to start with a story told by John Bevere many years ago here in Uppsala. People had been lying about him within his own church as well as abroad and some rumours had been spreading to other continents. He was very upset, and he wanted the truth about him to be clarified. He sat down with pen and many sheets ... (read more)


ARE YOU SEEING?   Some of you might think that I come with a stupid question now. I am not an optician, and I am not asking if you are blind or having some damages in your eyes, but I experience a lot of spiritual blindness in the Body of Christ. I experience that through my counselling as well in conversations with other Christians. Sometimes it seems like a total group of people have been blinded. At the end of chapter 13 in the first letter to the Corinthians we read that we now see ... (read more)


THE CREATIVE WORD.   We may go back to the first chapter in the Bible. We read in Genesis 1:2-5: The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. The God said: “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God created by speaking, but He had no chemical formulars or any other tools, but He had a mouth and ... (read more)


CONTROL. We are often getting an unpleasant feeling when we hear the word control, but there are certain positive elements of control. How should a country look like without rules and regulations? It would be an anarchy, and anarchy creates chaos and where there is chaos, the devil can reign and have control. Responsible parents are forced to use a certain amount of control over their children. When you bring up your children, you must teach them what is right and what is wrong, what is ... (read more)