

FALSK OG EKTE ENHET.   Det er alltid bra å begynne med et Ord fra Bibelen. Du kan slå opp Matteus 18:19. Der står det: Dersom to av dere her på jorden blir enige om å be om noe, hva det enn er, skal de få det av min Far i himmelen.» På et annet sted står det at vi skal få bønnesvar når vi ber etter Guds vilje. Det kan jo misforstås når det står at vi skal få hva som helst. Derimot så er det masse løfter som tilhører oss og som vi kan forvente å få svar på når vi ber. ... (read more)


HOW DO WE PRAY DURING TIMES OF CHAOS AND CONFUSION?   I feel that we are living in such times now. Christians are not one group, thinking the same. One group might prophesy one thing and another the opposite. God is not confused and He is not saying two different things. Something must be true and something is wrong. I will mention the Corona. Many prophets prophesied during the time of Easter that it would reduce and soon to be gone. Many of us had hoped that this would be true, but ... (read more)


THANKFULNESS.   I am now sitting with a broken bone and a toe in the right foot. I am using a cast and walk on crutches. This is a very new situation for me and it is not so easy to walk with crutches. I say that it is not so easy to learn an old dog new tricks. Have you ever thought of how you shall carry a cup of coffee from one room to another with two crutches? No, you will probably say. These kinds of small problems become like big problems now. I place my mobile in a purse around my ... (read more)


COMPASSION   Last time I wrote about sin. The word sin is giving a negative feeling while the word compassion arises positive feelings. One becomes warm and happy. If we would have had more compassion in the world, the world would have looked very different. We would not have had terrible wars and people would have been treated with respect, mercy and justice. When I think about compassion, I think about someone being kind, somebody doing good for others. I think that the word goodness ... (read more)


WHAT IS COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH?   We read in Matthew 15:18 that we are not defiled by what we eat, but by what we say. I have recently been to another country and was asking if we could drink the water at the different places I was visiting. I didn’t want to get some germs in me. Are we just as careful about the germs coming out of your mouth? What are we spreading around us? What do you talk about when you are together with your family? I do hope that you are eating dinner together quite ... (read more)


SPRING-CLEANING.   I believe that you have to live in the Nordic countries to fully understand what I am writing about this time. Here we have four different seasons. March, April and May are considered to be the spring months. The trees are without any leaves and there are no flowers or other herbs growing during the winter. It is cold and the ground is often covered by snow. Everything is hidden underneath the ground, ready to spring forth when the sun is warming the ground. In what ... (read more)


THE RESSURRECTION!   I closed the last chapter by saying that the tomb is empty and Jesus has overcome the power of death. “Jesus is risen, hurrah, hurrah, He is alive today.” This is a song that my children sang when they were small. My favorite Easter song starts like this: “Easter-morning quenches the grief, quenches the grief for ever.” What kind of grief? The sorrow of being separated from the intimate relationship with the Father because of sin. Adam and Eve caused this ... (read more)


EASTER 2019 Easter is celebrated at different times in different countries, but in Scandinavia where I live, the week of Easter starts the same day as this comes out. The six weeks before Easter are often called a time of fasting. Some people avoid eating certain food that is considered to be unnecessary. Others avoid eating for several days, a few for forty days. Those with a full fasting need to drink and take certain vitamins. I was at a place where they restrained from sugar over a period ... (read more)


  WE DO NOT WRESTLE AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES AND EVIL POWERS.   This head-line is taken from Ephesians 6. Last time I was writing about discerning the spirits and I said that we should pray for our leaders to receive this gift. Why is that so necessary? Some pastors are very kind and they really want to be very loving. When new people come to their church with gifts of The Spirit, they allow them to use their gifts. Some pastors are actually impressed by ... (read more)


GIFT OF DISCERNMENT. This gift belongs to one of the nine gifts of The Spirit. We can read about the gifts of The Spirit in 1st Corinthians 12, but they are also mentioned in other letters in the Bible. I choose to write about this gift knowing that many find that this gift is difficult to have and many do not know how to use the gift. I myself have found it difficult and I have asked the Lord to remove this gift away from me, but I do not pray like that anymore. On the contrary, I pray that ... (read more)