WHAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP DO YOU HAVE TO YOUR DADDY? Jesus had a close relationship to His Daddy. He often chose to go aside to be with Him. Jesus actually said that He only did what the Father told Him to do. (John5:19) In order to hear, one needs to be close. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the Deity and He is the One conveying the Father’s will to us. I often say that I only want to do what The Holy Spirit tells me to say or do. When I preach or teach, I lean on The Holy Spirit ... (read more)


BE HONEST AND DIRECT.   Some of you might say: “I do not lie, so everything must be ok then?” I believe that lying is so much more than we think about and the “bag of lies” contains so much more than we naturally see.  Jesus calls Himself for the Truth. In addition to that, He was very direct. He called a spade for a spade and those who were religious didn’t like Him. He was so direct that He called sins for sins and He revealed the secret things in their hearts. Most of us want ... (read more)


THE RESURRECTION POWER LIVES IN US BELIEVERS.   I do not seem to finish the message about Easter. On Easter morning I was praying and The Holy Spirit came and made the resurrection message alive. It went from being head knowledge down to the heart. Jesus had prophesied for the disciples that He should rise on the third day, but they didn’t really understand what he was talking about. On the first day of the week after the Sabbath some women came to the tomb. They had watched the tomb of ... (read more)


THE OLD RUGGED CROSS!   I assume that you know which cross I talk about. I talk about the cross Jesus was hanging and suffering on. Many, too many people have been tortured through history, but most people have been tortured against their will, but Jesus did it because He loved us dearly. He was willing to be punished for something He didn’t do and He bore the punishment that we deserved. We might find a father being willing to die to save his wife and children, but Jesus became the ... (read more)

THE BODY. part 3

THE BODY. Part 3. Today I want to write about the cleansing of the body and how it can be healed. I also want to give some advice to members that are in conflict. The Body of Christ consists of human beings and none of us will be perfect in our soul and body here on earth, only in our spirit. Our spirits form our unity. Paul writes in 1. Corinthians 5:6 that just a little leaven leavens the whole lump. That is why it is so important to get rid of the leaven. Paul mentions sin and evil as ... (read more)

THE BODY, part 2

THE BODY. Part 2 I laid the foundation for who could call themselves members of the Body of Christ last time. One must have been born again. Christ is the head and we the members. John 15 describes Jesus as the true vine and God as the vinedresser. We are branches, meant to bear a lot of fruits. If we aren’t bearing any fruits, we are cut off the tree to die. The branch that bears fruit, is pruned that it might bear more fruits. I mentioned that we can do nothing unless we are in Christ. If a ... (read more)

THE BODY, Part 1

THE BODY! Part 1 I will not write about the physical body. I am not a doctor, but I will write about the Body of Christ and that can be compared with the physical body in many ways. I will start by referring to Ephesians 1:22-23. It is written: “And He(God) put all things under His(Jesus) feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” If you are born again which means that you have confessed your sins and received ... (read more)


WHO AND WHAT DOES OTHERS SEE IN ME? Part 2 I had a friend calling me yesterday. She was so excited and shocked. She had been with the Lord and shared Him in different places. When she was on her way home, she was happy and felt light. What shocked her was that a woman came running up to her and grabbed her and told her how much energy that came out of her. This other woman was a stranger to my friend, but she said that she had observed her before. This happened without saying a word. My friend ... (read more)


WHO AND WHAT DOES OTHERS SEE IN ME? Part 1 I have become very conscious about the fact that Jesus lives in me. He moved in the day that I received Him as my Lord and Savior. He gave me a totally new nature and I was borne again. I did not receive a new body nor a new soul, but my spirit got renewed and I can truly say that I am righteous and on my way to Heaven because of His blood. The apostle Paul says in two of his letters that we should walk by the Spirit. We should identify with God in us ... (read more)


A NEW AND EXCITING YEAR! I all the time get the word exciting when it comes to next year. I do not believe that it will be an easy year, but I do believe that it will be very exciting. I will not prophesy about wars, earthquakes or other catastrophes. I do not have any revelation about where and when these things will happen around the world and I do not want us to be mainly focused on all the negative things happening everywhere. I do not believe that we should be ignorant and close our eyes ... (read more)