How are you reacting to the end-time prophesies?

15th of April The Old Testament has quite a few prophesies about the last days and so has the New Testament. I am not an end-time prophet and do not have a revelation about everything the Bible says about it, the return of Jesus and what will happen when the Bride is ascended to heaven, but there are lot of prophets writing and speaking about these things. Many are to be read at internet. Some are specific and others are more general. In whom should we trust and what should we believe? The ... (read more)

Do you feel secure?

15th of March Some people will ask: Secure, in connection to what? That is a good question since we can feel very secure in some situations, but very insecure and fearful in others. We can also be very comfortable with some people, but feel very uncomfortable and insecure with others. Others seem to be very secure on the outside, but they keep a façade in order to hide their insecurity. They hesitate to show this side of themselves to others. Everybody doesn’t even know that they are ... (read more)

My book

Inner Healing and Deliverance—Finding Your True Identity is written by a Christian counselor and social worker who has many years of experience successfully helping people. She expertly clarifies the confusion between your spirit and your soul— and warns how the devil can enter your soul and body. Based firmly on the Bible and personal spiritual events, Inner Healing and Deliverance also explores the subconscious, exposing it as a playground for the devil. Focusing purely on ... (read more)

Fire, part 1

In the beginning I thought I might write only one chapter on this subject, but as I started writing, I found it to be a very extensive subject. I presume that you understand that I do not write about natural fires even if I sometimes will compare the heavenly ones with the natural. In the natural we think of fire as something we should be careful with. We warn our children from playing with matches and when we are close to an open fire or a bonfire, we ask them to keep a good distance. Fire is ... (read more)

Fire, part 1

In the beginning I thought I might write only one chapter on this subject, but as I started writing, I found it to be a very extensive subject. I presume that you understand that I do not write about natural fires even if I sometimes will compare the heavenly ones with the natural. In the natural we think of fire as something we should be careful with. We warn our children from playing with matches and when we are close to an open fire or a bonfire, we ask them to keep a good distance. Fire is ... (read more)

Fire, part 1

In the beginning I thought I might write only one chapter on this subject, but as I started writing, I found it to be a very extensive subject. I presume that you understand that I do not write about natural fires even if I sometimes will compare the heavenly ones with the natural. In the natural we think of fire as something we should be careful with. We warn our children from playing with matches and when we are close to an open fire or a bonfire, we ask them to keep a good distance. Fire is ... (read more)

Fire, part 1

In the beginning I thought I might write only one chapter on this subject, but as I started writing, I found it to be a very extensive subject. I presume that you understand that I do not write about natural fires even if I sometimes will compare the heavenly ones with the natural. In the natural we think of fire as something we should be careful with. We warn our children from playing with matches and when we are close to an open fire or a bonfire, we ask them to keep a good distance. Fire is ... (read more)

False and true peace, part 3

1st of March This time I want to show you some Bible-verses that talk about peace and I will definitely recite some. This will be the last part of the theme: “False and true peace”, at least for this time. I will start with Exodus 18. Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, had seen that Moses had way too much to do and he had given him an advice to install leaders over one thousand, one hundred, fifty and ten. People came to Moses in order to get advice since they knew that he could hear from ... (read more)

False and true peace, part 2

15th of February   I described last time some areas giving peace, but a false peace. I will continue to write about false peace and will eventually come to true peace. I am so thankful that true peace exists and we must remember that the Bible writes 365 times: “Fear not!”  Peace and love are the opposites of fear.   I wrote that most of the people will do almost anything in order to obtain peace, but they might use the wrong methods. Both alcohol and different drugs can give ... (read more)

False and true peace, part 1

1st of February I believe that peace, joy and love are among the things that men are seeking more than anything else. They are sought by all kinds of people and some pay huge amounts of money hoping to obtain it. The sad thing is that many are seeking at the wrong places and in wrong ways and the result is that many are getting disappointed and some become bitter.   The Spirit of God can discern between the false and the real thing and it is important to get a close relationship with the ... (read more)