In many countries we are now entering a season of expectation. We call it Advent. We are waiting for something. We are not waiting for Jesus to come because He came 2022 years ago. I do not believe that His birthday is exactly on the 24 of December, but we celebrate that He came to earth and became the Savior of the world. We can anticipate His coming back.
I love Christmas and Christmas celebration. I get happy when I see the lights and I can buy simple gifts to make somebody happy. I enjoy writing Christmas cards so that I can keep my relatives and friends informed about my life and my events the last year. I also enjoy receiving letters and cards. It’s a wonderful way of keeping contact. I do not want to make it to a time of stress, but of peace. One must never forget why we celebrate Christmas. Some do not want to have a Christmas tree, but I love it. I watch the star on the top as a symbol of Jesus and all the branches as members of the Body of Christ. I cannot see anything occult with it, but I guess it depends on what one believes.
The prices of electricity and food have increased a lot the last year and I think that we should remember those who are needy among us. Ask God for advice and be quick to encourage someone. Sometimes it is enough with a smile or some encouraging words. I receive a daily report from Ukraine and it is amazing to hear what the church and others are doing to help. What can you do? Sometimes we are supposed to do something practical, but other times we should pray.
Now I want to go back to the title: expectation. What are you expecting? Some children believe in Santa Claus and they write to him expecting him to bring them what they are most desiring. Haven’t you seen happy faces of children waiting for Santa Claus? I do not believe in Santa Claus, but in God. What do I expect of Him?
In counselling I often meet people that expect something negative. They might have experienced quite a lot of difficulties and they believe that their life will continue that way. Some are saying: “I get always sick when I have vacation.” Others are saying that they get a lot of attacks when they draw closer to God. Some people are afraid of driving out demons. They expect demons to jump on them. I know of people that are givers. They give and give, but they never expect a reward. Are we supposed to expect a reward? The Bible is teaching us about sawing and harvesting. God is watching our hearts and He sees if we give with joy or not. I will quote some Bible verses about sawing and harvesting. I start with Malachi 3:10 in The Old Testament. “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house. And try Me now in this;” Says the Lord of hosts. If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.” You will often hear these words before one collect money in the church. This is a big promise from the Lord. I have listened to many testimonies from people that have experienced great blessings from following this verse. Some people say that they never lack anything. Others have gotten a lot of blessings so that they can give more. Do you believe in a stingy God? No, He blesses back.
We find the next one in 2.Corinthians 9:6+7: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We read a few verses later that God gives seed to the sower and multiply the seed you have sown. We should always have enough. Be eager to sow good seed. Everything isn’t good.
The last verse today is Galatians 6:7-11:”Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are in the household of faith.”
Just think of a farmer. He is sawing in spring or in fall. When he saws, he is not expecting to get a finished product right away. No, it might need to be watered maybe for several months. Does he expect a result? Yes, otherwise he would not be a farmer. We must have some patience. In Mark 11:24 we read that we must believe that we receive answers to our prayers before we see the result and then we will have them. I believe that giving thanks will bring forth the answers quicker. I believe that it is wise to have a book where one writes down the prayer requests, give thanks and have a page where you write down the answers to your prayers. When a woman is pregnant, she knows that she has to wait nine months before she can see the baby. We are pregnant with answers to our prayers.
Mother Else
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