This headline is taken from James 1:17. It continues to say that God is the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. God is good, He is only good. I am very simple in my faith, and I therefore say that everything good comes from God and everything bad comes from the devil. There is nothing good in or from the devil. Jeremiah 33:3 says that we should cry unto the Lord and He will answer us. Why do we cry unto so many other things for help or other people? Why do we seek in other sources than God Himself?
I often come in contact with people being disappointed, angry or sorry since they haven’t received the things they were looking for. Some people think that they will receive the love they need if they get married. They look upon their partner as the solution for the love they didn’t receive as a child from their parents. Their partner is not God, but a human being with his or her own longings, needs and wounds. You both need Jesus as your Savior and Lord in your lives. If you make Jesus as your Lord, He will be your red tread through your lives. You will seek Him when things are good and when you meet problems. He can give you wisdom to handle the problems of every day. He might even become the solution when things seem to be hopeless. Nothing is impossible for Him or for the one who believes.
If you trust in people, you will become disappointed at one point or the other. Every person has his limitations and misunderstandings might easily arise between us. In The Body of Christ we might help each other and we can be a blessing for each other, but the source of pure love is God the Father. We read in Romans 8:35 that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, neither fear nor any other things. Why do we seek love another place than Christ then? Some people say that they need to feel something concrete. They say that they need somebody touching them, hugging them and holding them. We Christians might be too afraid of touching each other. We should be a little careful with too much physical contact between the opposite sex. The Bible talks about holy kisses, so all physical contact is neither sinful nor wrong. I am old enough to give “motherly hugs”. God is even using me in that way.
We human beings might have wounds in the subconscious. The Holy Spirit can enter the subconscious and heal the wounds. God might heal directly or through people.
Some people are cussing and call upon the devil without understanding what they are doing. I remember a sweeper from Norway. When he came to us, he cussed a lot. I asked him if he really thought that the devil would answer him and help him. He was surprised by my question and he finally admitted that he didn’t think he would help him. I think he would think twice before he would cuss next time.
Some people seek peace through yoga or other occult exercises. This might help you to relax in the beginning, but it will lead you deeper into darkness, and the devil will increase his power over you. We have already stated that the devil is bad and that nothing good comes from him. When you seek alternative help, call the source of it before you start. It is easy to be tricked.
There are people coming to me complaining and saying that God hasn’t answered them when they have cried unto Him. We read in Hebrew 11:6 that we cannot please God unless we trust in Him. God will award those who seek Him. Some use God as a cola-automat. They have no personal relationship to Him, but they cry out: Give me, give me. They expect an immediate answer. God is almighty, but He is also holy. You do not trat the Creator of universe as an automat. God sent His Son to this earth to make a blood-way to the Father. If you are a child of God, you might always come to the Father thanks to Jesus. God is a good Father and He wants to be with His children. He wants to have a relationship. He wants to talk to them, and He wants to listen to them.
Jesus has already carried my sicknesses on the Cross, and I wonder quite often why I can’t receive what He has already done. In the book of Daniel, chapter 10 we read that he had to wait 21 days for the answers to his prayers. There had been a resistance from the king of Persia. What is hindering my answers? I seek the Lord. He knows.
I have had accidents and situations where God has intervened and saved me in a supernatural way. Once I had a car-accident. The entire car was ruined, but neither I nor my friend got physically hurt. We had a shock. The insurance company said that we must have had angels with us, and I got a chance to testify about my faith in a good, living God. There have been other times when God has saved me before I got into dangerous situations. I was the leader of an institution when we had a swine-flu some years ago. I had 100 patients and 5 employees. I prayed out psalm 91 over us all every morning during that time, and none of us got sick even if some other family members got the sickness.
Mother Else
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