I like to make cryptical headlines. It might make the readers curious and more eager to read what is underneath the headline.
I am writing this sermon right before the New Year. 2024 has been a year full of wars and catastrophes around the world. We have been very close to a third world war this year. In Sweden they give regularly out a folder about how we should prepare ourselves for wars and difficult times. We should have enough water and sustainable food, candles and warm clothes if we are without electricity. This preparation is for the future.
When I made the headline, I was thinking about things that had happened during the last year. Some of the things we have experienced during 2024 we should get rid of. We might have to cut ties to some experiences and even to some people. We had a singer and a song writer in Norway called Alf Prøysen. He wrote a song about the day tomorrow that should be unused and with clean sheets. They were spotless. I am thinking about this song when I enter a new year. Do we look upon the new year with fresh eyes or do we bring with us the old difficulties? If you lost some close relative or friend during 2024, you probably are in sorrow. It might take quite a long time before you are through a period of mourning. It is smart to have some daily routines when you are in that process. It helps you to normalize your life. You are absolutely allowed to mourn, but do not allow the grief to stop you from living.
Some people have lost some money in business. Others have been cheated or even stolen from. That might create many emotions. One can get very angry at the person hurting them or even at oneself. Some of these emotions are normal, but one day you will have to forgive the person and go forward in life. The Holy Spirit is called our Helper and He can also come with comfort and encouragement. When we are hurt. God is often called Father, and a father should comfort and support His children.
Maybe you got sick during 2024, and you are still suffering. You know that Jesus carried your sicknesses and your sins, but you have not been able to receive divine healing. Do you enter the new year with despair or with hope? If the Word of God says that we are healed in the wounds of Jesus, we can be sure that that is true. If you can thank God His healing, the healing is on its way. The year 2025 might be a year of healing and brake-through.
Did you lose a job during 2024? Have you lost hope for a new and maybe a better job next year? God will always come with hope and promises. How do you meet the new year? Will you confess that you will be without a job next year or will you hope for job because you have a good and caring Father in heaven?
Did you get divorced last year, or did you have to brake a close relationship? I call a divorce a funeral without flowers. A divorce usually causes many different emotions even if the marriage has been difficult. Use the Lord, friends and even counsellors in the process. Do not think that you have to do everything by yourself. I would recommend you to turn your eyes on Jesus and hope for a better future while you work yourself through a painful time.
Hold on to the Lord!
In spite of divorces and other difficulties: Do not bring bitterness with you into the new year. Bitterness poisons you and gives a bad atmosphere around you. Cut all bitter roots before entering 2025.
If you do not forgive, one can easily get bitter. I recommend you to ask The Holy Spirit if there should be anybody that you haven’t forgiven. Ask Him for help to forgive. When you have forgiven, ask God to heal your wounds. He is an expert in healing.
Many people are worried about the future. Some people watch the news constantly and many come with stories that are not quite true. What does the Word of God say about the future? We know that negative things will happen, but God has never forsaken His children. Do we trust in Him? We read in 1.Peter 5:7 that we should throw all our cares on Him. He cares for us. Are we able do that without getting them back? If we bring our cares into 2025, the sheets have already many dark spots on them.
Some people do not only worry about what goes on in the world, but many parents worry about their children and grandchildren. Maybe they are not saved and some use drugs or alcohol. We should pray for them, but when we pray, we must expect answers from God. Jermiah 33:3 says that we should cry out to the Lord, and He will answer us.
Do not drag old sins with you into 2025. If you know that you fall in the same sin again and again, do something about that before the next year. Ask God to help you to withstand the tempter. James 4:7 says that we should resist the devil, and he will flee from us.
If you know that evil spirits have influence in your soul or body, ask for deliverance, and you have a better chance to live in victory during 2025.
Mother Else
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