I will start by reading 2. Peter 3:14. It says there that the Lord should find us without spots and we should be blameless. We are the Bride and Jesus is the Bridegroom. Jesus has given us His righteousness and I call that our white and spotless wedding dress. We know that the time is drawing closer to His return to earth even if we do not know the time. We are not supposed to know either.
It seems like many Christians have been able to live in sin, covered by darkness, but now we live in a time when one encroachment worse than the other is revealed. Even known preachers are exposed for serious sins. They are all within the three known areas: sex, money and power. Quite a few have misused children and young innocent youth. They have trusted their spiritual leaders. I heard a pastor saying that when it came to money, everything was allowed. The same goes for business. I know that there are preachers in prison because they have cheated churches or individuals for huge sums of money. A woman asked me if she should warn the public for a Christian brother who tried to cheat her for a big sum of money. I said that a scoundrel is a scoundrel. We cannot sit passively watching somebody being cheated for thousands of crowns.
There have been churches with a lot of control and people have felt suppressed and subdued. They have become wounded, and some have turned their backs to God since they cannot quite distinguish between God and people. God calls us His children and not slaves, but some pastors behave like they are slave-owners.
I listened to a prophesy some months ago and it said that God would reveal the wrong and sinful things both in the society and in the church. That is really happening. It happens in church after church. It happens in politics, in businesses and in families.
Since God has said that He will reveal, I have to accept that even if it is painful sometimes, but I still have some questions. How much should one expose individuals? When I wrote my books, I tried to protect certain people by describing a problem instead of mentioning names. I believe that we need a lot of guidance from The Holy Spirit here. I do believe that we should warn when a person hasn´t repented and he or she is a danger for other people. We can think of pedophiles wanting to be part of the children’s program in the church. One has to warn to protect the children then. I also mentioned a person who was cheating people for large sums of money.
I have read several biographic books where the author has mentioned the names of family members and friends. Some things have happened many years ago. I sometimes wonder if the author really has forgiven then or is there some revenge? I just ask.
I read an article exposing the bad things about Free Mason. The article was good, but then I saw names of people I knew, and some of them were dead a long time ago. Who knows if they repented before they died? How does the mourning family react?
I think that if a Christian who is in ministry is living in sin, I think that the person should be confronted and be given a chance to repent and convert. I also think that they should have a time out of ministry to get help and to be restored. If they have left the sinful behaviour and returned to God, I think that we as the Body of Christ should be willing to forgive and show mercy. We read in 1.Peter 4:8 that love covers a multitude of sins. If God forgives the confessed sins, who are we to keep it against anyone?
I once got a question from a married woman in another country. Her husband had been violent and had scared both her and the children. The daughter was really afraid of him. She wondered if she could leave him. I asked God and I think I got the following answer. She should bring her pastor with her and confront the husband. He was the director of a Bible-school. If he was willing to repent and get help, she should support him in the process. If he didn’t, she was free to leave. He was not willing to change, and she left him, and peace returned to their home and the children were not afraid anymore.
In Luke 8:17 we read that nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light. In John 3:21 we read that he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God. We know that the devil operates in darkness and we Christians should therefore live openly in the light. There is a lot of control in secret groups. There is also a tendency to do certain things that the members want to keep as a secret. I knew of a secret group where they prayed against people. That is witchcraft and belongs to the deeds of the devil. We read In Ephesians 6 that we don wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and rulers of darkness. We pray for people and against the devil.
If a person has confessed his sins, we must be willing to give that person another chance. I do not think that it is good to expose his or he name officially then. God is washing us clean and who are we to hold on to old sins?
Mother Else
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