Do you have any dreams at all? Do you go through life without thinking about your purpose or how do you think about yourself? God has created you for a special purpose and Jesus told all His disciples to tell others about Him and He wanted us to lay hands on the sick, speak in new tongues and drive out demons. (Mark 16:16 and Matthew 28:18) None of us should live a life without thinking of why we live and what we do with our life. I also believe that God has a plan for each year individually as well as world-wide. That’s why I think it is a shift in the atmosphere when we enter a new year. I am eager to know what God is thinking about 2014. What does He want to be completed or started during this year? A lot of things will be a continuation of 2013, but a lot of things will either start or be intensified.
A light breeze of revival started in Sweden last year and it was especially an emphasis to wake up lukewarm Christians, but quite a few started to reach people on the streets and in the shopping malls. Sick people were prayed for and many got healed and that were seeds making people more curious about Jesus. Others heard the gospel and received tracts and Bibles opening their eyes for the truth. The revival is just in the beginning, but I believe that God will intensify His work and we will see many more people both saved and healed. I don’t think this will be just here where I am, but many places. The Spirit of God will break through demonic barriers and people will open their hearts. We Christians must prepare the atmosphere and individuals by praying. More and more prayer-centers are opening all over the world. Many of them have 24 hours praying every day. We know that God says that He answers all our prayers. (prayers that are in line with His will) and the more we pray, the more answers we get. God’s people are awakened to pray more and more. Our faith will be intensified when we see that our prayers are answered. If we pray without expectation, we do not pray in faith and are not pleasing God then. (Heb.11:6) Without praying, very little is accomplished in the Kingdom of God. God has made Himself dependent on our prayers. He could have done everything without us, but He doesn’t.
I recommend you to take time and pray over God’s plans for your life and think over how you want this year to start and end. When I do this, I need time. What is important to me and what is less important?
I started this year with some physical problems and I need to receive healing. God has already healed me according to Is.53:4+5, but I must receive it by faith. When we give a gift to a child, they will most of the time open the gift and use it immediately. I want to be like a child and receive His healing and act on it. The Bible says that we should become like small children. I really want to become like a child trusting my Father in everything and in every circumstances this year. As an adult, I have a tendency to make things complicated. I want to delete wrong thought patterns this year. How about you? The devil has lied to most of us through parents or others in authority and we need to feed on the truth and get rid of the lies.
Feed on the truth and get rid of lies.
Some of you have bad patterns that you want to change, maybe you want to lose weight or stop smoking. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in how to do it. Dependency patterns might need deliverance before you change behavior. The most important thing is your own decision. No one else should talk you into a change. It seldom works. You, yourself must sincerely desire a change yourself. Some people want to do it radically while others want to reduce gradually. Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you in the process.
Many Christians find it difficult to read the Bible regularly. Buy yourself a devotional booklet or a plan for daily Bible reading. Maybe you would find it helpful to be in a group, studying the same Bible passages. When people say that something is difficult, I want them to think about solutions and they might often be much easier than you think.
Many people complain about loneliness. What can you do about it? If you are sincerely sick or handicapped, you are limited, but I think there must be a solution even for you. Are you able to have contact by chatting or skype? Are you able to have visitors? If you belong to a church, ask if someone could come home to you. There are many volunteers both in the church and in other organizations. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are well, maybe you can take the initiative to invite someone home. You do not need a fancy meal or a luxurious home. Are you afraid of being rejected? Ask God for healing and deliverance and do not stay lonely because of fear. We Christians need to get together in the homes. In the first church they did that every day. Many lonely people need to get involved in something and maybe some should stop looking at themselves as victims and start doing something.
How can you get out of loneliness this year?
If you want changes during 2014, I think you should do something about it and stop talking about it. A life-partner doesn’t come through the chimney. I am saying that you can’t sit at home, but get out among people in your own age-group and in a circle with the same faith and same interest. There are those who meet through Christian sites and I know of some very successful marriages. Throw a party with people of both sexes. In other words: Do something. I know of five women coming together praying for this matter and that is a spiritual approach to the problem that should go together with the practical issues.
I meet people complaining about their pastor. I recommend them to talk to him and maybe they need to change church or maybe it is something wrong with you and not the pastor. Be open and let the Holy Spirit guide you.
If you constantly are in lack of money, I recommend you to make a budget and see where the money goes. Do not live above your capacity. Should you ask for a higher salary or should you change your work. I would also ask you: Do you tithe? God wants to bless us, but we must follow His principles.
You might want spiritual changes this year. Maybe you want to become more active in witnessing or praying for the sick. Maybe you want to spend more time in fasting and praying. Ask The Holy Spirit to show you what changes you must make in order to do so. Small changes can make a big difference.
I want to say that you should do more than just desire changes. God is always with you.
Mother Else