The Kingdom of God, part 4

15th of September Part 4 I started last time by saying that we should bring His kingdom down to earth. Only Christians can do that by the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, Himself, is in Heaven so we as Christians have to show the world Jesus. The picture they get of Jesus, is the picture they get from us. I have often heard people say: “I do not want to become a Christian if I have to become like this person or that person.” DO NON-CHRISTIANS WANT TO BECOME LIKE YOU AND ME? Jesus ... (read more)

The Kingdom of God, part 3

1st of September PART 3 We will start with a prayer in the Lord’s Prayer. We find that in Matt. 6:10 and it goes like this: “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In Heaven there is no sin, no demons, no sickness, no tears over things we lack. There will be no unjust treatment. In Heaven we will meet only pure and unconditional love. Heavenly love is not polluted by anything. In Heaven we find peace and purity. No pollution. No one is fighting ... (read more)

The Kingdom of God, part 2

15th of August Part 2 You can look up Matt. 13. There we will find a lot of parables about the kingdom of God. We can start with the parable of the sower. You, yourself, can read about the seed that fell on the wayside, on the stony places and among thorns. Some fell on good ground and yielded a crop of hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty. The next one is about the mustard seed. That is the smallest of all seeds. A man sowed a mustard seed in his field. When it is grown, it is greater than ... (read more)

The Kingdom of God, part 1

1st of August Part 1 What is the Kingdom of God? It is not of this world. That is absolutely sure. Jesus says to Pilate in John 18:36 “My kingdom is not of this world. My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now My kingdom is not from here.” The head-line is the Kingdom of God and we understand that this kingdom comes from God. Jesus says that we are IN THE WORLD, but not OF THE WORLD. That actually means that those of us who have received Jesus ... (read more)

The Woman, part 7

15th of June Part 7. This will be a summary of the previous chapters. I started to make you aware of the fact that you are created by God. It is God who formed us and He was very satisfied with the result. He is still satisfied. He has never regretted that He created you and me as women. He thinks that we are beautiful and we are so different than the men. We are special. He has created us with different functions and with different tasks. What God is doing is always perfect. We have to stop ... (read more)

The Woman, part 6

1st of June Part 6 This time I have planned to introduce to you a few of the women presented in the Bible. The first one is Ruth. She actually has her own book so I do believe that God wants us to learn a few things from her. Ruth came from Moab. The people from Moab were considered to be heathens. They worshipped other gods. Ruth got married, but her husband died after ten years of marriage. Her brother-in-law also died. Ruth’s mother-in-law was Naomi. She was also a widow. She wanted to ... (read more)

The Woman, part 5

15th of May Part 5 A WOMAN OF GOD IS GOOD AND HAS GOODNESS. I am referring to the sixth fruit of the Spirit. (Gal.5:22) God Himself is good and that is why we can be good and do good. In the known psalm 23 we read that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. How often do we see that Goodness is running after us? Are you stopping long enough to receive it? It is not so difficult to do good to others when you yourself have been met with goodness. In Psalm 34:14 it says that ... (read more)

The Woman, part 4

1st of May Part 4 HOW IS A WOMAN OF GOD? I could have done this very simple by saying that everything written in the Bible is for a godly man and for a godly woman, but I have chosen to do it differently. We can start in Matt. 22:37-39. There we read: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the most important commandment and goes all the way back to the time when God spoke to Moses. I do believe that most of us have ... (read more)

The Woman, part 3

15th of April Part 3. THE WOMAN AS RECEIVER! God showed me a long time ago how He thought when He created and formed us as man and woman. He also showed me how the devil had come to pervert the roles. Today he goes even further and he tries to wipe our the roles. God created the man first. Physically he was created to take INITIATIVE in order to get children. If he is passive, there will be no intercourse, and no children. The man carries the seed of life and she is the receiver of it. A woman ... (read more)

The Woman, part 2

1st of April Part 2 It is always easier to see the problems when they are far away and it is not difficult to find solutions to the problems either. These solutions are often easy solutions. The longer I am in a country, the more I know, the more complicated are the problems and the more difficult it is to find a solution. Women movements in the West have been fighting for equal wages for the same kind of work. They have fought for the same opportunities to go to school and to get a work. They ... (read more)