

THE SUPERNATURAL.   Part 1   The supernatural has drawn people like magnetism and it has frightened people at the same time. It has always been like that. I am writing about this theme since there is a lot of confusion about it. Some people think that everything supernatural comes from the devil while others do not believe in it unless they get a natural explanation. Sometimes people have difficulties knowing what comes from the devil and what is from God. I will write what I think ... (read more)


WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE WEED?     Most of us have had a garden, a bed of flowers or a place where we have been sowing. When we have sowed and it begins to grow, I think all of us have experienced that it seldom comes up alone. All of a sudden we see weed that we haven’t sown. The seeds might have been hidden in the earth or have been blowing from somewhere else. It seems like the weed has grown up faster and become bigger than the original plant. The weed will often take a lot of ... (read more)


WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE WEED?     Most of us have had a garden, a bed of flowers or a place where we have been sowing. When we have sowed and it begins to grow, I think all of us have experienced that it seldom comes up alone. All of a sudden we see weed that we haven’t sown. The seeds might have been hidden in the earth or have been blowing from somewhere else. It seems like the weed has grown up faster and become bigger than the original plant. The weed will often take a lot of ... (read more)


PRAYING EFFECTIVELY.     We read in James 5:16 that the effective and fervent prayers of a righteous man avail much. We read in the same verse that we should confess our trespasses to one another and pray for each other in order to be healed. In John 9:31 it says that God doesn’t hear sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. It also says in the Bible that God loves us even when we were sinners, so I do believe that He hears a sincere prayer of a ... (read more)


PRAYING EFFECTIVELY.     We read in James 5:16 that the effective and fervent prayers of a righteous man avail much. We read in the same verse that we should confess our trespasses to one another and pray for each other in order to be healed. In John 9:31 it says that God doesn’t hear sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. It also says in the Bible that God loves us even when we were sinners, so I do believe that He hears a sincere prayer of a ... (read more)


I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN.     Are you having a bad conscience for not witnessing enough? Are you wondering what you should say to your neighbors about Jesus? How would you win your family and your colleagues? I am sorry, but I do not have all the answers, but I know of One Who is saying: “I will make you fishers of men.” This word became so alive a few days ago since I am one of those with a bad conscience and many questions. I could shift the focus from me to Him. I should ... (read more)

Prayer, part 2

15th of April Part 2 I closed last time by saying that God is answering our prayers. To-day I want to continue by referring to other verses in the Bible, confirming the fact that God is answering our prayers. I cannot say this too often since this is the foundation of our faith. If God did not answer our prayers, there is no sense to pray. We can go to 1.Kin.8. There we read the prayer that Solomon prayed when the ark was brought into the Temple. He often closed his prayer by saying: ... (read more)