A huge part of the world is living in fear. We hear about natural disasters, terror and violence. Christians are persecuted in many parts of the world. They might be killed or they are limited in practicing their faith. It has become worse and the Bible has been telling us about that. Things have become worse in the world, but God has not meant for the devil to be the victorious one. God is very active in these days. I have many testimonies about that. He is healing and restoring and preparing the Bride.
I am taking the title from psalm 121. It says: My help comes from the Lord. It continues by giving promises. The Lord isn’t going to sleep nor slumber. He will not allow your foot to be moved. The Lord is your keeper and He is our shade. He is going to preserve us from all evil and He is going to preserve us from going out and coming in. I have earlier been writing about psalm 91. The Lord is described as our refuge and our fortress. He will cover us with His feathers and we will be protected at night and during the day. It is actually saying that no evil shall befall you nor any plague will come near your dwelling or near your tent. I interpret the last sentence to mean my body as well my house or household. I can almost hear some of you protesting and coming with all the difficulties and sicknesses that you or someone else have had. I do not understand everything and I cannot explain exactly why this has happened, but the Word of God is the truth and I choose to keep to it. I, myself, have many times been attacked by fear and have acted out of fear instead of trust in God. We can read in James 1 that if we doubt, we are like a wave of the sea tossed back and forth by the wind. We will not receive an answer to our prayers then. I am not saying that is you, but I have been there. The Lord is mentioning 365 times in the Bible that we shouldn’t fear, but trust Him and the promises that He has given us. I think we people tend to look at the difficult circumstances and the things we do not have more than the things we have. We might be drawn down a negative spiral then. I have again to ask: Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. The devil tries very hard to draw our focus away from the Lord and His power. He tries to steal our hope and faith. He also desires to stop us from reading the Bible and to pray. Shall we allow him to win? NO!
I am a simple woman and I believe that whatever is good and pure, comes from the Lord and what is evil comes from the devil. What do you do when you get sick or experience economical problems? What do you do when you get caught up in strife and enmity or you are in danger of losing your job? Maybe your children turn their back to you or maybe they turn away from God. What do you do when your pastor or another leader is caught in infidelity or another sin? Jeremiah says in chapter 33:3 “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” We are supposed to call on God in good times, but the need might be greater during bad times. When the devil comes with his sly attacks, cry unto the Lord. It is not dependent on the volume of your voice, but on your sincerity and your faith in Him. He is for you and He will answer you. I am not against neither doctors nor medicine. No, I am thanking God for them, but I cry unto the Lord first. I have experienced that God has answered me before I have contacted any health person, but it isn’t always like that. If I contact a doctor, I pray for the doctor that God is going to give him wisdom and I pray that the medicine should work and not to give any side effects. I must know that it is the Lord who is the source of all help. I put my trust in Him. Doctors and medicine might fail, but God will never fail.
They recently had election in the United States and Donald Trump was elected to be the new president. Many people are now looking to him as their hope. Others are afraid because of things he has said during the election time. I will not say much about this, but one thing is for sure: Donald Trump is not our hope, but God. The Lord might use him and that’s great, but God is God and He is the One we must look to for help. We should pray for the president to be and we should pray that people would look to God as their Savior. We should also pray that the Body of Christ fulfill God’s plans for them. Many Christians are influenced by the spirit of the world and many Christians have become selfish and indifferent to the world we live in. We are drawing towards the end and Jesus is coming soon.
We are not supposed to follow men, but God!
We have a song that says: Turn your eyes upon Jesus. We are not supposed to turn our eyes upon circumstances nor on people. We should be realistic and see what is happening, but we are not under people nor circumstances. When we lift our eyes and become like the eagle, flying high, we can see what is underneath, but we see solutions instead of problems. God might not come with an answer or solution right away so we must not lose patience, but keep close to Him expecting an answer. It says in the Bible that we should thank Him for the answer before we see it. That might be difficult unless you are totally sure that the answer is on its way.
You and I have an influence in the world and we can change circumstances.
You might think that this is too much. Isn’t God sovereign? Doesn’t He do what He wants? Some prophesies are saying that this and that will happen no matter what we do. The devil might prolong the happenings, but others will happen to appointed time, a time that is set by God. Other prophesies might happen depending on our prayers and actions. We must not forget that we are given weapons in our hand to be used against the enemy. We can read in Matthew 10:1 that Jesus gave His disciples power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of diseases. In Luke 10:19 we see that Jesus gave the seventy that He sent out authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt them. We have the name of Jesus, the name above all other names and we know that we are in Him who won a victory over the evil one. We can cover ourselves with the blood of Jesus and the devil cannot penetrate that blood. We overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony. (Revelation 12:11)
You do not win any battle if you think that you are losing.
In Exodus 15:3 it is written that the Lord is a man of war. He is fighting for us. He is not against us, but for us. He has promised to be with us every day. We are not winning any victory in our own strength, but in Him. It says in Matthew 19:26 that all things are possible with God and in Mark 9:23 we read that all things are possible to him who believes. This is the God who is and has the answer for you and me and the entire world.
Mother Else