I am writing so many Christmas letters to family and friends and letters and cards are sent to many countries in the world, but what about you Jesus? I do not think that I ever wrote to you Jesus, but it is high time to do so. I have only good things to thank you for and I must start by asking for forgiveness for the fact that I do not thank you enough. Forgive my ingratitude.
Thank You Jesus for allowing me to be born into a family believing in you and in a country where one could believe in you without a lot of persecution.
Thank You Jesus for calling me in the womb of my mother, but forgive me for following my own desires during a period of my life.
Thank You Jesus for leading me to read the Word as a child and to receive you as my Savior when I was seven years of age.
I had many sicknesses and problems as a child and as young, but you were with me through the valley of the shadow of death. Thank you for never leaving nor forsaking me even if my emotions have told me something else. Thank You Jesus for always being with me even if I was withdrawing a little.
Thank You Jesus for leading me to meet people believing in healing. That has led to the fact that I and others have been healed.
Thank You Jesus for allowing me to experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit and for giving me gifts of the Spirit. They are well used, but I am so thankful that they can’t become worn-out.
Thank You for talking to me so many times both for encouragement, but also for guidance. I will never forget the time when I was woken at night and You gave me a teaching about the baptism of the believers or the times when You woke me up to pray for known politicians.
Thanks for saving my life several times. I never forget the time when I stood with a hand full of pills ready to commit suicide. You came and gave me a film in my inner being and the film is just as real now 28 years later. You showed me my need of help, but also why I was alive. I have been deadly sick, but You saved me. You were there when I had a serious crash with my car on an icy road, but not a scratch on me nor my friend even if the car was a wreck. I am sure that You have saved me many times without me knowing it. A thousand thanks!
Thank You Jesus for allowing me to travel to so many countries both as a private person, but also in service for You. To travel in ministry has been the most exiting and most rewarding. I hope and believe that You are preparing for many more travels.
Thanks for old and new friends. I have sensed lately that you have connected me with new people from different churches and countries. These are people that I feel one with. I am so lucky. Thank You my Lord.
Thank You for leading me to a publishing house that wanted to publish my book. Without You I would never have been able to write a book for three and a half weeks. The book is really Yours Jesus.
I thank You for the fact that my two daughters have kept their faith and live an active Christian life. I really thank You for that. I know that I have stood in the gap for them, but I couldn’t have done that without You.
Thank You Jesus for giving me an apartment and for the fact that I have food on the table every day. You have also made it possible for me to travel and You have paid what You have ordered. I do not live in luxury, but I have what is necessary and for that I am thankful.
I thank You Jesus for all the revelations through the Word and through the gifts of the Spirit. That has been a help for me and many others. You know that I do not want to live for myself.
I really want to thank You for paying the price for all my sins. That’s quite a lot, but You are helping me to live more like You.
Thank You Jesus for Your blood, the blood that is alive even today, the blood that cleanses me, the blood with power, the blood that opens a way straight to the Father.
Thank You Jesus for carrying my sicknesses even if I do not understand that when I get sick. I pray that You will help me not to carry something that You have already dealt with. I cry unto You and You have promised to answer me then. Thanks!
Thank You Jesus for interceding for me. I need Your prayers and all my friends and acquaintances suffering around me need them too. Help me so I can help them.
Thank You for living in me and I in You, Jesus.
Thank You for being my Brother, but also my Friend and Savior. What a privilege.
Mother Else