The Word of God is your food, part 1

November 8th Part 1 The Bible is full of stories about natural food as well as spiritual food. Much of our life is circling around food. How we get the food is dependant on our culture. In my culture we go to the shops to buy the food. One needs money in order to buy food and what we buy is dependant on the price. I am travelling a good deal and I have eaten a lot of different food and seen a lot of different “food-culture”. In some countries they eat out of necessity. Without food ... (read more)

Call to me, and I will answer

August 8th We have been given a telephone-number to God and that is:333. In Jeremiah 33:3 it says:”Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. In other translations they might use the word: Cry unto Me! In other languages, it is used a word that says cry out with a loud voice. God has no problems with His hearing. He looks into our hearts. God is not dependent on the volume of our voice. He wants us to come to Him with boldness and ... (read more)


June 28th SUMMER……………That means different things for you who live in India and for you who live in Scandinavia. I India it means a time of heat and monsoon-rain. It might not be a time one looks forward to. The rain is necessary, but the humidity and the heat can almost be intolerable. The fall is a wonderful time for vacation. The temperature is just right. The summer months in Scandinavia are June, July and August. Finally we get some warmth and can use less ... (read more)

This is a Jesus year!!

January 8th He is the beginning and the end, and everything in between. We are called to a high and holy calling according to 2.Timothy 1:9. Called for what? We are called to be like Jesus. In order to be like Him, we have to be with Him. As a Christian, we are in Him, but we might not be so much with Him. A couple who have been married for a long time, start looking alike because they have been so much together. Can people around us see and hear that we look and talk like Jesus? God called us ... (read more)

To wait and to expect

15th of December This preaching will come out in the middle of Advent. Advent means that we are waiting for something or somebody. It is the time before the actual happening. When a woman is pregnant, she has to carry the child for nine months before the actual appearance of the baby. It takes nine months before the child is fully developed. If it comes earlier, the life of the child is in danger. If a doctor practise medicine after one year of education, he can put the life of the patient in ... (read more)

Christmas 2008

15th of December “THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR THEM IN THE INN” This time I will write about two sentences taken from the gospel of Christmas. We can read in the second chapter of Luke that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be registered. Mary was pregnant and the time of birth drew very close. She was going to give birth to Jesus, but they could not find any place where they could stay. They were finally taken to a stable. Are you having a vision, dream or a call? We can many places in ... (read more)

Trust in the Lord (Not in people)!

1st of December I tried to change the subject, but there was no flow in the Holy Spirit. I realized then that the Holy Spirit had more to say about this subject, but from another angle. I will start by quoting psalm 118 and the eight verse: “It is better to trust in the Lord Than to put confidence in man.” It referres to psalm 62 and the eight verse:”Trust in Him at all times you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” I will insist on saying ... (read more)

Trust in Him!

15th of November I am writing this sermon for you as well as for myself. I am in a situation right now where I cannot rely on people, but only on HIM, MY SAVIOUR AND REDEEMER. I will feed us both with Bible-verses that can build our faith in Him. I had planned to start with psalm 37:5, but my eyes luckily fell on a couple of previous verses. There we read: “Trust in the Lord, and do good. Dwell in the land, and feed on His fatihfulness.” I am so glad that I saw this verse. We can ... (read more)

What are you looking for, part 2?

1st of November Part 2 Last time I asked if your search for a partner was more important than the Lord. I also came with questions concerning the Lord as your Provider and the Lord as your Healer, your doctor. There is a great longing for signs and wonders in the Body of Christ to-day. I am one of those who is longing for it. I want to see it daily. It is not wrong to seek signs and wonders and stand on the promises of God, but we must be well aware of the fact that it is the Lord who heals and ... (read more)

What are you looking for, part 1?

15th of October Part 1 I was earlier writing about our focus. These sermons belong together. It is a fact that WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR, WE GIVE OUR ATTENTION TO. Many men and women in all ages are seeking for a partner. I am not talking about a casual sex-partner, but about Christians who are looking for life-partners. Almost every single brings up the subject of their longing for a person to share their life with. They might talk about their sorrow and frustrations. A lot of bitterness might ... (read more)