Part 2

Last time I wrote about the newly converted. I compared a newborn Christian with a newborn baby. I said that a newly saved person needs a lot of care and attention. I said that when we pray for revival, we are praying for a lot of new Christians. Are we ready to take care of them?

When a person is saved, she or he receives the nature of God in their spirit. The Bible says that they are a new creation. The letter to the Philippians 2:12 says that we should work on the salvation of our soul. Our soul is not pure and righteous. Our spirit is. Most people carry with them a rucksack from their past. Some preachers ignore Philippians 2:12 and say that we are all new. We do not lose our past history the day we get saved. I have actually talked with some newly saved saying that they have never had such a tough time as they did when they got saved. Do you think that the devil will let you go without a fight? He might have left you in peace as long as you were part of the kingdom of darkness, but when you moved to the kingdom of Light, he wants you back. Who will stand with these new babies in their struggle and who will empty the rucksack?

We are now talking about mothers and fathers. I, myself have been called to be a mother in the Body of Christ and I have children all over the world and in all age groups. I do want my children to be healthy and I want them to get close to the Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. What does a mother do? She feeds her children. The Word of God is our spiritual food. A mother cares for her children, spirit, soul and body. A child needs to learn what is right and what is wrong. The new-born child needs guidance in the process of sanctification. I know of churches that hardly talk about sin and many newly born do not change their lifestyle in theses churches. The apostle Paul is writing about sins in the different letters to the churches. He says that a small leaven permeates the whole dough. A small sin can permeate the entire person or the entire congregation. None of us is sinless and we should therefore do as it says in 1.John 1:9: Confess our sins. God is faithful and just and He forgives us our sins. If a child doesn’t learn what is right and wrong and what is dangerous, it can hurt itself and others. I am against some games on the computer. You kill somebody, but soon they will get up again. This doesn’t happen in real life. If a child doesn’t learn to be careful with the hotplates on the stove, he or she might get serious burns.

Many people are not raised in safe families and many have experienced some kind of abuse in one or more areas of their life. When they become Christians, they need mothers and fathers. Sometimes they might need to live in a family for some time. I had a previous drug-addict living with us. He couldn’t say no when good-looking girls came to his apartment or some friends came to offer him some drugs. He needed to change environment and to be protected.

Are you willing to open your home for someone who never experienced a good and secure family?

If you are willing to take a wounded person into your house as a family member, you should have a stable family and you should also have some basic knowledge about how to treat them. Love with certain borders might be the most important. You must be able to be rejected without taking it personally. A wounded person might need a long time before he or she can trust you. They might act as children testing you if you really mean it when you say that you love them. Feed them with simple teaching from the Bible and do something fun with them. We all need a personal relationship with Jesus and a wounded person needs it even more. When you are like a mother or father for somebody, look for the positive qualities in the person. Ask God to show you His thoughts for the person and also God’s calling. Help the person to see his potentials.

Some drug-users and alcoholics do not fit into an institution during their rehabilitation. It naturally depends on the institution. The people working there must never look down on the “patients” or go in another ditch and allow them to preach and testify right away. Some Christian institutions do not deliver people nor do they offer counselling. It is easy to fall back into old patterns then.

Mothers and fathers and helpers of any kind: Do not judge anybody!

We can judge the sins, but not the person. Jesus is our best example of this. He said to those surrounding the woman that was caught in adultery: “The one without sin can throw the first stone.” Everybody left one by one. Jesus said to her then: “Neither I condemn you, but sin no more.”



Mother Else