The Lord is coming with this statement both in The old and in The New Covenant. I feel that the Lord is doing something new almost every day in or through one’s life, but still there are times when He specifically is emphasizing this fact. I think we should read from Isaiah 43: 18-21. It goes like this: Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beast of the field will honor Me, the jackals and the ostriches, because I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself, they shall declare My praise.” I believe that God is thinking in both concrete and abstract terms. I have been to Israel three times and I believe that God has given them supernatural wisdom to build both water and draining systems. They have done that very well in Israel. God is doing something supernatural when He says that He will build a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Many places are considered to be spiritual dry or even forsaken by God, but God doesn’t abandon anybody. He is mighty to come with water in dry land. Water is often a symbol of The Holy Spirit. You might be in a situation where you yourself feel spiritually dry, but God is mighty to come with His solutions and He is able to water places that are seemingly dead.
I was out of curiosity reading what I wrote exactly a year ago. I was surprised because I could have written the same this year. I recommend you to read it. I called 2015 a year of changes. I believe that 2016 also will be a year of changes, but the changes will be stronger, more intensive and come quicker. Refugees have come in great numbers, especially to Europe the last couple of months. Some countries have promised unrealistic help and have not had any restrictions. Others have put up fences in order to keep them out. Many countries cannot keep their promises and the result is chaos. Other countries refuse to help even those who are in great need. I believe that many state-leaders will feel helpless and maybe in deep despair. We really need to pray for our political and spiritual leaders and pray that they will seek God for solutions. We should also pray for Christian politicians, humble people who do not think about their positions, but what is the best for their country and its inhabitants. 1.Tim.2:2 says that we should pray for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. I believe that many Christians, including myself do not pray enough for our leaders. Can we
do something about that in 2016? Yes, absolutely. Let us agree on changing that in 2016. They need our prayers more than ever.
I have especially been thinking about two topics lately and you might have noticed that through my writing. One is our preparation for the wedding. I believe that Jesus is coming back soon and He loves His bride, but do we love our Bridegroom? I feel that the Holy Spirit is drawing me closer to my Bridegroom. I want to be more in love with Him and that means that I want to spend more time together with Him. I do not want to be with Him out of duty, but because I can’t be without Him and I miss Him when I haven’t spent time with Him. I want to have a genuine relationship with Him, not a religious one.
The second thing that I think a lot about is the fact that God is building an army. He is equipping each and every one for their duties. He has a special assignment for everybody. Christians cannot be passive, but maybe you think that you do not like wars. I can tell you that you are in the middle of one, liking it or not. The Bible tells us about the weapons we have and Revelation 12:11 is saying that we can overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. That means that we can have victory because of what Jesus did on the Cross and what we are saying. We will not win unless we say what the Bible is saying. May we confess according to the Word of God during 2016!
When we talk about wars, we talk about defending ourselves and we talk about offensive warfare. I do not believe that we Christians have been very good in neither one of them. We have accepted way too much coming from the devil. Many trust more in fate than in an Almighty God. “What is happening, is happening.” That is not biblical. James 4:7 is saying that we should resist the devil and he will flee from us. Many Christians lack knowledge in spiritual warfare. God has given us the name of Jesus, the blood, the Word and Ephesians 6 is describing our armor. We do not need to ever take the armor off, but I guess we need to remind ourselves daily about the different parts of the armor in order to use them effectively. The devil’s activities are increasing rapidly and I do not believe that we should sit passively waiting for him. We must be more active and offensive. You belong to an army. Ask the Lord where you should fight. Shoot and take back what belongs to you, your family, your church, your neighborhood and your country.
The world is rapidly changing and non-expected things are happening all the time. Many prophesies are coming, especially around the change of year. Some are biblical, others are personal. Some prophets are coming with judgment. Others are coming with encouraging words. Many are talking about the return of Jesus. How do we react to all these things? Some things are creating fear. Others make us joyful. The Bible says that we should not fear. We have so many promises and I do not believe that they are not working during these times. We should read the psalms and all the promises in the Bible often. They should make us feel safe and we should understand how much God loves us and protects us. When we feel secure, we are not such an easy pray for the devil. He doesn’t attack us in areas where we are strong. I have recently experienced that myself. I lack knowledge in the world of computers and I was attacked and betrayed, even money was stolen. It stole a lot of energy and time from me. I have on the other hand experienced victory in areas where I was weak before. Now when I have overcome fear in these areas, the devil has stopped bothering me. His ideas have no effect on me anymore.
I personally believe that Jesus is coming soon and I really want to be ready as a bride for His coming. I think that all of us should be involved in getting many more people with us to heaven. We should ask The Holy Spirit to give us a love and compassion for the lost. The Bible is saying that we should go out and preach the gospel to all the world. That might be within your own walls at home or miles away in another country. We must ask for help to step outside our own comfort zone. We should also help each other to fulfill the race and stay on the “Jesus-road”.
Mother Else