We may go back to the first chapter in the Bible. We read in Genesis 1:2-5: The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. The God said: “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God created by speaking, but He had no chemical formulars or any other tools, but He had a mouth and through His mouth came words that created what He said.

In verse 26 in the same chapter, it says that we are created in the image of God. We have also received a mouth and the Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. The tongue can create something negative and something positive. The tongue doesn’t have the power, but the words coming out of the mouth have. The words might come from different sources. I have listened to people that might curse, but also bless. I know of prophets having a demonic spirit, and they speak death over pastors and other Christians. The tragedy is that a couple of the people that got cursed, actually died.

                                    Words creative what they say.

The Holy Spirit taught me some years back that words do not disappear out in the atmosphere. That was my imagination before I was taught about the importance of words. Every person has two wavelengths of words One is full of words that are true, and they correspond to the Word of God. The other one is full of lies or Satanic words. These words might be like curses, and they are not the truth. Who has spoken these words? It might be yourself or anybody else. Both God and the devil might use these words even many years later. As you now understand; the words have not disappeared. Will they never disappear? Yes, they can. Jesus has given us His authority and we can brake them. I use angels to help me in that process, and I take one area at the time. I do not know how the angels destroy the words, but I imagine that they make a hole in them as balloons. I do not care how it happen, but I am convinced that they will disappear; THANK GOD!

When the Holy Spirit taught me that words stay unless we brake them, I got more careful with my speech. The letter of James describes our tongue as a rudder, driving the entire boat. The same chapter describes the tongue as fire, and it can start a fire destroying a forest. When we have been without rain for a long time, we get restrictions against using fire outdoor. Everybody knows that a small flame is enough to destroy a big territory. In the beginning of the summer two planes were flying over my house for a few hours. The reason was that a fire had started in the forest and they got water from a lake near by and they manages to stop the fire.

I have been exposed to some false rumours from some women in my church. It has been like a small fire going from one to another and the flame has even reached another church. How can we stop that? We have received authority to stop the mouth of the devil, and the Lord has promised to fight for us, His children. We have a slogan saying that a feather might turn into five hens. Lying words might become the worst stories because they go from one person to another. May you be the person stopping the fire to spread?

I want to go back to the fact that God created by saying. We can also creative something through what we are saying. What do you say about yourself? Do you repeat all the things that you do not like, or do you say what the Word of God is saying about you? Psalm 139:14 says that you are wonderfully made. Some people say that you become who you are from what you eat. I would rather say that you are what you are saying that you are. If you say that you will fail, you will fail. The Word is saying that you should have success in everything you do. The Word is also saying that nothing is impossible for God nor for the believer.

                                    Say the truth about yourself!

It is easy to forget the authority we have in the Lord. We might pray for healing, and we might ask for help for different things, and we are allowed to come to God as small children and ask for help, but sometimes God wants us to speak to the mountain. We are supposed to speak to the sickness or speak to the problem. I spoke to the pancreas and said that it should produce enough insulin. One day the doctor called me, and he asked me what I had done since the result of the tests for diabetes were so much better. I told him, and he said: It works. We may talk to all parts of our body, but do not stop even if you do not get a result right away. You are both planting and watering with your words, but you might have to wait for the result. Start thanking God before you have an answer, and you will get an answer.

The Bible is full of promises, and we can take those promises that are relevant to our situation and thank God that those promises will become a reality for you and me.

Our words have to do with our faith in God and our confidence in the Word of God.


Mother Else




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