Pains of Childbirth

1st of January

Last time I wrote that the time had come to give birth. I also said that there will be a lot of childbirths next year. I wasn’t thinking of biological children, but more of the things God has planted in His children.  It could be dreams, visions, God’s  plans for the individual as well as for congregations and cities. Many people are carrying a calling, but they have never taken the necessary steps into their calling, but we will see many callings being born next year. People have to become obedient to the Lord and be practically and spiritually prepared in order for this to happen.

You can read Matthew 23, 24 and 25. You can read about the events that are taking place before Jesus is coming back and what is going to happen during the great tribulation. We read about the fig tree and many of us think that is a symbol of Israel. Chapter 25 writes about the ten virgins, the five wise ones and the five foolish ones. The wise ones were those that had oil on their lamps. They were all virgins. I believe that there will be a division in the body of Christ. We can also read about the talents in the same chapter. God wants us to use our talents. He actually wants us to multiply.

It is time for the gifts and the callings to come into function in obedience to Christ and by the help of the Holy Spirit.

I am not in doubt: This age is coming to an end soon. The Bible says that we should not know exactly when it happens so I will not speculate on that. We read in chapter 24 that there will be many, coming in the name of Christ, to deceive people. There will be earthquakes, wars and kingdom will rise against kingdom. This is only the beginning of the pains of childbirth says the Word of God. I do not believe that we need to doubt: We are in the middle of the pains of childbirth. If you wonder if I am right, you can just turn on a television set and everything that the Bible is describing is seen on the screen. People are rising up against dictators in country after country and many are unfortunately killed. We have had some major earthquakes the last years. Thousands have been killed and there have been great destructions. The nature isn’t behaving in a normal way. There might be a lot of water and snow where they usually do not have so much. In other places people die in lack of water because there was no rain. Everything is becoming more and more chaotic. God is a God of order. Chaos is caused by the devil. We recently had a day here in Sweden where everything was in chaos. It had snowed so heavily that all the buses, trains and planes had to stop and the cars were recommended to stay at home. My own daughter was supposed to travel, but had to wait for twelve hours. She was actually lucky because others didn’t return from their work and schools and some children had to stay with their teachers from the daycare. Chaos.

Why do we talk about pains of childbirth and the end of time? The pains of childbirth come before the birth. Jesus is coming back and when He does, He will bring with Him His bride, the ones with white garments and the ones with oil on their lamps. The white wedding cloths are symbols of our righteousness that we have received through the blood of Jesus. He has carried our sins and washed us white as snow. I saw a lot of newly fallen snow yesterday and it was really white. We have become that white because of Jesus. That is grace.

There comes a time when Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire, but we are not there yet. Right now we have war everywhere. We Christians can conquer the devil in our own lives because of the victory Jesus won on the Cross. (Col.2:15)

I believe that many more will be saved before Jesus is coming back. He says in chapter 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” The gospel is today proclaimed through television, radio and internet in a way that it has never been before. Still, we have many places that have never heard about Jesus. The quicker we can spread the gospel, the quicker He comes back. Many are working with spreading literature to the unreached and the gospel is spreading to more and more, but there is still much to be done. Is this something you could think of getting involved with in 2013?

I wrote about the plans and callings of God, but we naturally want many new spiritual children in 2013. What do we do in order to see new people saved? We can pray for a non-believing friend or relative. We can ask the Holy Spirit to convince the person of sin and of grace. It is possible to bind the strong man before the Holy Spirit enters the house. We can command the devil to take his hands off the person. You and I can preach the gospel and tell the person about what Jesus has done for us. Our personal testimonies are effective. “I do not dare to testify”, you may say. “I am afraid of being ridiculed and rejected.” That is painful, but that might be the pains we must take in order for people to be born. We have an expression saying: If you do not dare, you will win nothing. Testifying isn’t my strongest part so I speak just as much to myself as to you. I really do not want people to get lost and so many are on their way to hell and I ask God to make people ask me questions. I find that more easy. When we get a question we must give an honest answer. I have lately talked to sisters and brothers who are saying: “I will rather be truthful than kind.” Kindness might cover the truth sometimes. Some people might ask like this: “Do I end up in hell if I do not give my life to Christ? I am quite kind and I am helping some people, but I do not believe in Jesus. I believe that Jesus is like a crutch that some religious people lean on.” I hope you answer with the Word of God. “It is written!

I think that many will be born again in 2013. God will get new children all over the world.

I have heard about many Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims being converted to Christ and many more will come the next year. I believe that many of the religious wars around the world are pains of childbirth before they will discover who the real God is.

When God is making changes in my life, war is often breaking out.  The devil and my flesh stand against the will of God. The same thing happens with other people. The Lord has great plans for His bride and He is working hard in order to restore the bride and in order to receive new children. We do not live in an easy time right now. It is a war between the Light and the Dark and even if we know that Jesus has conquered the evil, we sense the battle.

We know that a mother has to push the baby out in the natural and that can be both painful and heavy work and sometimes it takes a long time. It can be the same in the spirit. We must press on and we must not give up. The child must not be chocked, but come out strong and healthy.

The Holy Spirit will give us power to deliver everything that is inspired by the Lord!

The Bible says that everything will go quicker in the last days. I therefore believe that the things that have grown slowly will speed up now and will be ready to be delivered next year.



Mother Else