Now is the time for dancing!

1st of November Now is the time for dancing. It is time for rebuilding the destroyed ruins. Everything has to be restored before the returning of Jesus. (Acts 3:21)God has created the dance, and everything that God has created is in its origin good. God has created us to move and express ourselves through our bodies. (Acts 17:28) The devil cannot create anything good, but he is always ready to pervert and steal what God has created. Let us take back what the devil has stolen! We can still find ... (read more)

When shall we sing?

15th of October I recently heard a fantastic sermon about praise and worship and the importance of ministering to the Lord. I got so inspired that I decided to write about this. You might think that the title is stupid, but just wait till I come with my thoughts. Maybe one thinks that singing goes together with joy and that’s what I will start with. It is written in James 5:13 “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.” We see here that also ... (read more)

Seek first the kingdom of God!

15th of August I want to share a theme that I myself think a lot about. I have mentioned this several times before, but it will be like a continuation of the theme: “resting in the Lord.” When we are supposed to rest in the Lord, we must first seek Him and we need to trust Him in order to rest in Him. I will start by quoting Amos 5:4. “For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: “Seek Me and live.” He actually talks about repentance. If they had continued to live their sinful ... (read more)

Rest in the Lord!

1st of August This has been a message to me lately. It is therefore only natural that I share with you what I myself have received and experienced. I like to be active and feel useful. I like to be something for somebody and I was not too happy when I heard these words in my spirit and also from people with a prophetic gift. It took some time before I understood what it was all about. I have had many questions about how to rest in the Lord and more will come. Should one lie down and close ... (read more)


1st of July I might have written something about this before, but I am urged to write a theme about this now. We have a variety of friendships and many different friends. The Bible encourages us not to be friends with the world. We can read in James 4:4: ” Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. ” We can other places read that those of us who ... (read more)


15th of June You probably know that we all inherit something. We inherit a certain resemblance from our parents. I am sure that you have heard this saying: “Oh, She looks exactly like her mother or there is no doubt about the fatherhood of this boy. We do not only inherit their looks, but also their intelligence and certain traits from their character. In 1.Pet.1:18 we read that we are redeemed from aimless conduct inherited from our forefathers. We inherit both the positive and the ... (read more)

Expect a harvest!

1st of June We are enjoying the summer right now and I am not asking you to wait for the fall with its chill. No, I ask you to expect a harvest, a harvest that is the result of what you have sown. We can read in Gal.6.7-10: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, ... (read more)

Be fruitful!

15th of May I know that I have written about this in other subjects, but I have chosen to write about this as a theme in itself. We can go to Genesis 1:28. There we can read: “Be fruitful or bear much fruit!” God mentions both fishes and birds and everything else that moves on the earth. He talks about plants and trees and He says to the humans that they should multiply and become many. God is for life and growth and death and stagnation are not His will. We might quickly move to ... (read more)

Don’t give up!

1st of  May Patience is not my strongest virtue and I am therefore writing this to myself just as much as for you. I do hope that we will all be blessed by what I am writing. I am as usual asking the Holy Spirit to help me. I would like to start by quoting Paul and writes from 1.Cor.9:24-27: “Do you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they ... (read more)

It is not in vain

15th of April I will continue to write about good deeds and I am especially writing to you who think that you are not doing enough or what you do has no importance. I will in the beginning refer to 1.Cor.15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain.” I believe that many of you need to be reminded of the fact that whatever we do in Christ will never be in vain. I do not know how you ... (read more)