We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 3!

1st of March Part 3 I wrote in the second part that we should lay aside all forms of lying and dress in the Truth which lives in us who are believers of Christ. We have a free access to the Spirit of Truth. I mentioned that we should undress all falseness and hypocrisy. They might hide themselves behind a nice mask, but the Holy Spirit knows the difference between the real and the unreal. Non-believers can quite often tell me stories about Christians who are not real and that has turned them ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 2!

15th of February Part 2 I said last time that we had to get rid of the sin that so easily ensnares us. I mentioned sexual sins, but also our lack of passion for Christ. That is often caused by egoism. I mentioned fear, worrries and disbelief and called them sins. The last thing I wrote about was materialism. It wasn’t sinful to have money, but we should not worship them nor allow them to own us. What is one of the names of the devil? The Father of Lies. I do want us to undress all ... (read more)

What shall we do when we undress?

1st of February I had already written more on the subject of dressing and undressing when I got a question about how. What do we do in order to get rid of undisirable things and how do we put on Biblical clothes? I thought that the question was very appropriate, but I couldn’t give a simple answer. I started to pray for an answer that would be of help both for the one who asked and for the rest of my readers. We can often use a Biblical language and we might not know exactly what we ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 1

15th of January Part 1 I was in prayer right before New Year. I got an inner picture of a person who was undressing and then another person who was in the process of getting dressed. I asked the Lord about the meaning of this and He said that we should not take with us any negative experiences nor any negative thoughts and attitudes into the new year. I shared this with those I met and encouraged them to take some time together with the Holy Spirit before they entered the year of 2009. They ... (read more)

Balance in the Body of Christ

1st of September Warnings against the unhealthy. This time I will start by quoting 2.Tim.1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. There are many translations and in my Norwegian the word fear is translated with discouraged. In another English one it says timid. God pointed out this word to me and He showed me people, organizations and congregations. It was a tendency to overemphasize one or the other, but God wants us to have all three ... (read more)

Warnings and explanations

15th of August To-day I want to write about manifestations that come with revival and why people can have sin and demonic areas in their lives and still operate in the Holy Spirit. Many have asked about this the last weeks and I will answer some of the questions here. I recommend you to read the two chapters on warnings that I wrote earlier this year. I might repeat myself since these chapters belong together. I do not attack any spesific person, but write about these things in general. I also ... (read more)

Prayer, part 7

1st of July PART 7 I will continue to write about some of the intercessors that are mentioned in the Bible. I will start by mentioning one who isn’t so known. His name is Epaphras. He was one of the co-workers of Paul. We read in Col.4:12 “Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. In the next verse we read that he had a great zeal for those in ... (read more)

Prayer, part 6

Part 6 To-day I want to write more about INTERCESSION. When one intercedes, one does not pray for one’s own needs, but you place yourself in the gap for one or more persons. It can be for one person, but also for nations. When you intercede, you pray to God or fight against the devil on behalf of the other person or persons or territories. When you intercede, you can pray in tongues or use understandable words. Who can be an intercessor? EVERYBODY. Do certain people have a special calling ... (read more)

Prayer, part 5

1st of June Part 5 I closed last chapter by referring to some of the great prayer meetings where they tear down the fortifications of the devil. We are calling this: SPIRITUAL WARFARE. I will write more on intercession later, but will at this time mention that intercession is directed either towards God or against the devil. Look up Ezek.22:30. The people had sinned in a terrible way and God was seeking for a man that would make a wall and stand in the gap before the Father. This could have ... (read more)

Prayer, part 4

15th of May Part 4 To-day I will repeat that God answers our prayers when we pray according to His will. What is the will of God? The Bible is the perfect will of God. The more we read the Bible, the more we can pray according to the heart of God. I recommend you to buy a Bible dictionary. When you have a need, you can look up that word in the dictionary and find out where in the Bible you can read about it. If you are sick, you can look up the word sick, well or healing. You will find many, ... (read more)