We are often getting an unpleasant feeling when we hear the word control, but there are certain positive elements of control. How should a country look like without rules and regulations? It would be an anarchy, and anarchy creates chaos and where there is chaos, the devil can reign and have control.

Responsible parents are forced to use a certain amount of control over their children. When you bring up your children, you must teach them what is right and what is wrong, what is dangerous and not. Children should also learn how to live in a family together with other people and the child cannot whatever he or she wants. As the child gets older, he should learn how to be part of a society where we must pay attention to other people. Children need borders in order to feel secure. When I come to a new place, I really want to know the basic laws and regulations in that country. I would also like to know some of the unwritten laws existing in the society. I want to follow them as long as they aren’t demonic.

We all need laws and regulations for our everyday life. We would otherwise live in a lawless society.

I grew up thinking that people are valuable and that all human beings have certain rights. I can therefore say that I love people no matter where I have been in the world. Jesus lives in me and He loves everybody and He is the Saviour of the whole world.

I grew up in countries being fairly democratic in contrast to a dictatorship. Today I feel that some of the democracy is being washed away and that certain groups in the society get more and more power. When you cannot say that a boy is a boy and a girl is girl and a man is a man and a woman is a female, I feel run over by a small group in the society. We are today talking about what is politically correct and not what is true or what is democratic. There are only a few strong people ruling over the rest of us. That is negative control. The consequences of going against these people might be that you lose your job or being harassed. Pastors might come in prison in Sweden if they read from the Bible where it says that homosexuality is sinful. This is a negative control refusing Christians to read from their Holy Book.

We have many countries in the world that is ruled by a dictator. Most dictators misuse their power, and the inhabitants lose their free will and will often live in fear.

                            Dangerous control will create fear.

Who is the boss of a church? Most churches have a pastor or more. In the traditional churches they have bishops ruling over many pastors. In the free churches they either have a group of what is called the elder of the church or a group of leaders. This group might be chosen by the pastor or from the congregation. I usually ask: Who is the actual boss of the church and what spirit rules the church? I have been to churches where the pastor had controlling spirits, and you were accused of having a critical spirit if you had another opinion than that of the pastor. The church of Berea was praised for testing the preaching on the Word of God. You must know the Bible quite well if you are going to test the truth of the preaching.

I have been to a congregation where the spirit of Jezabel had power over the whole congregation. The spirit of Jezabel can be within both a man and a woman, but it is most often in a woman. Jezabel wants power. She is usually gathering a group around herself. She acts as if she is more spiritual than others, and she is quite active in the church. She might talk negatively about those people in the church that operate in the spiritual gifts and is carrying an anointing. She might go to the pastor and come with false accusations about these people. It might be difficult to reveal a Jezabel because she has such a central position in the church. There might be more than one Jezabel and they usually get together. The same spirits are drawn to each other. They might have prayer meetings where they pray against people they feel are a threat to their position. The Bible says that we should bless even our enemies, so this is witchcraft. A spirit of Jezabel is often manipulative and she is a cause of division in the church. She is searching for power so money might not be involved. Jezabel will often use religious words and people feel they can rely on her. Many experience a Jezabel to threaten them. Even the prophet Elia got scared. He had just conquered 800 Baal-prophets, but Jezabel said that she would kill him. He got so scared that he was hiding under a bush wishing to die. Jezabel might want to kill both physically and spiritually. I have heard a woman with a Jezabel spirit speaking death over people.

Quite a few Christians are suffering with insecurity and fear and some of these have developed a spirit of control. They jump on people and want to pray for them without asking. They are sometimes using physical power. I do not want everybody to pray for me. If you want to help somebody, you ask first, and then you respect a no if you get one. I have had many in counselling, asking for help because they have been exposed to controlling people. A sect is often ruled by strong, controlling people. God has created each and everyone of us with a free will, and even God cannot overrule that. This is a theme I might come back to.


Mother Else



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