
False and true peace, part 1

1st of February I believe that peace, joy and love are among the things that men are seeking more than anything else. They are sought by all kinds of people and some pay huge amounts of money hoping to obtain it. The sad thing is that many are seeking at the wrong places and in wrong ways and the result is that many are getting disappointed and some become bitter.   The Spirit of God can discern between the false and the real thing and it is important to get a close relationship with the ... (read more)


15TH OF JUNE This will be the last chapter of communication, at least for the time being. Most of the things we do are different forms of communication. To-day we have so many different media and we are therefore communicating in so many different ways. TV, internet and mobiles are those media that are mostly used I think. Many are also listening to the radio. These media have an enormous and frightening influence on people. When we watch television, we receive information of different kinds ... (read more)


1ST OF JUNE   Last time I was writing about leaders and pastors within the church. This time I want to write about communication in general and see what that leads to. I myself do not know any details before I start writing. I am totally dependent on the Holy Spirit.   God has created us with five senses and we are using all of them in communication. A small new-borne baby cannot talk, but it sees, hears, tastes and feels the touch. A baby is using its voice to cry or to make ... (read more)


15TH OF MAY We have many types of communication. I will give some advice to preachers, speakers and leaders in the church and then I will write about the necessity for clear and good communication on the human level. You might not think that this is so spiritual, but most of the marriages are broken since they lack a sound communication. They misunderstand each other. The problems of a congregation are often caused by misunderstanding or lack of healthy communication. When Christians do not ... (read more)

Israel, hatet and loved!

15th of November I was recently in Israel for my third time. I had two trips in the year of 2008 and one trip I got almost free. The Israeli airline had sold more seats than their capacity and I had to return home by another route. I arrived home only half an hour later. For this inconvenience I got a free ticket. I mention this so that you can see their generosity. This is not common. I travelled with a Finish/Swedish group this time. My friend and I travelled to Israel for the purpose of ... (read more)

Are you conscious of the environment? Part 3

1st of October I have stated that sin pollutes the Body of Christ, each individual and the entire population. I did mention some examples in the last chapter and I have no intension to come with a long list of names for the innumerable sins. The Bible says that everything that is done without faith is sinful. I could fill pages only under this category. 1.Cor.13 says that whatever is done without love is useless and a lot of it is sinful. If we violate the ten Commandments, we sin and that ... (read more)

Are you conscious of the environment? Part 2

15th of September I wrote about TV, data-games and about the home last time. This time I will concentrate on the church and the Body of Christ here on earth. I am actually writing about you and me then. We who have received Christ are all members on the Body and without us there would not be a Body of Christ. Each and every one of us got inoculated in the Body the day we got saved. If you are wondering if you are there, ask yourself following question: “Have I received Jesus Christ as my ... (read more)

Are you conscious of the environment? Part 1

1st of September It is very popular to talk about the environment in many different circles these days. It is not particularly a Christian topic. Many different youth-and political organizations have this on their agenda. You will find programs about this topic in schools, on TV and other media. Even if I haven’t been too involved in this, I do sort the garbage to-day. I have become conscious of recycling and I try to save bags instead of buying new-ones. When we talk about the environment, ... (read more)

What are the characteristics of a good leader? part 2

15th of August I wrote last time about honesty and humility. I wrote that it is very important to show respect for others. I mentioned delegated responsibility and used the wisdom of the father- in- law of Moses as an example. A clear communication is important. I listed some of the duties of all the Christians, but said that a leader has another position. You can be a leader on many different levels. My intension is to write to both Christian and secular leaders. When I write this, I ... (read more)

What are the characteristics of a good leader? Part 1

1st of August I have listened to a lot of teaching saying that all of God’s children are leaders. Some of that is true since Jesus gave His disciples the same authority and power that He had Himself. He gave us His name and His authority to use here on earth. We can read in John 14:14 that whatever we ask in His name, we will receive. We can use His name, but we are not to misuse it. God will naturally not answer requests that are in opposition to the Word of God. When Jesus sent out the ... (read more)