Some of you might think that I come with a stupid question now. I am not an optician, and I am not asking if you are blind or having some damages in your eyes, but I experience a lot of spiritual blindness in the Body of Christ. I experience that through my counselling as well in conversations with other Christians. Sometimes it seems like a total group of people have been blinded.

At the end of chapter 13 in the first letter to the Corinthians we read that we now see dimly, but at the end we will see face to face. In another translation it says that we would see more and more clearly. We are meant to grow in the Lord, and the more we become like Jesus, the better we see.

Both God and the devil talk about seeing. God has given His children spiritual gifts. We call them gifts of the Spirit. Some of these gifts are called gifts of revelation. God might reveal truths from the Word of God and He might reveal truths about others so they can get some help. You might have been to a meeting where the preacher mentions certain sicknesses, and he says that God heals that sickness now. The preacher has received a word of knowledge. The gift of prophesy might reveal certain truths about the future. The gift of discernment helps a person to know what comes from God and what comes from the devil. Quite a few people swallow everything that is spiritual without asking for the source. The apostle Paul had once a woman following him screaming that he was a servant of God, and he showed people how to be saved. That was true, but Paul knew that she was a fortune-teller and earned money on that. He took authority over the evil spirit, and she could not use that gift anymore. (Acts 16:16) I was recently at a fair with occult things. I was there to pray. There I saw fortune-tellers taking 300 crowns for 20 minutes. Our gospel is free.

When I talk and pray for people, God often gives me inner pictures. They are very clear. These pictures will often clarify the root of a problem or explain how the person thinks or feels. They might also show me how I should pray. In the beginning the pictures were more unclear, but now they are very clear. These pictures help me a lot in my work with people, and I am so glad that they come from God through The Holy Spirit.

The devil can also create pictures. We see that in art, film and a lot of what is shown on television. Pictures might get stuck in our brain. It is therefore important that we choose what we look at. It is frightening to think of all the things that are shown to children. They might play a game, and they shoot somebody and in the game the person gets up again. That doesn’t happen in real life. We have unfortunately read about children killing people. I believe they have watched wrong things in addition to other bad factors.

I recently had a couple in counselling. I got a picture of a mountain in front of the man. I saw that it was written in big letter: Impossible on the mountain. In Matthew 21:21 we read that we should speak to the mountain and cast it into the sea. I commanded the sign impossible to be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Then I spoke to the mountain, and it disappeared. He could start to se then. The mountain had been hindering him in seeing possibilities. We talk in symbolism.

We Christians will often accept situations or sicknesses because we do not understand the reason for them, or we do not see the solutions for them. I want to share a story from an elderly man. He got Covid some years back. He had high fever and was half in coma when he came to the hospital. The doctors wanted to put him in a respirator, but he heard one of the doctors saying that he most likely would be dead when they took him out of the respirator. He saw a big black snake around his arm the. He managed to command the snake to leave in the name of Jesus, and two hours later the fever was gone. If he hadn’t seen the snake, he most likely would have been dead.

I had learned to read the Bible as a child, but the day after I was baptized in The Holy Spirit, I saw so many truths in the Bible that I hadn’t seen before. The Bible got more and more interesting.

                                The Holy Spirit reveals the Word.    

I believe that Christians many times read the Bible out of duty, and they do not see what the Word is saying. Some evenings ago I saw that many were blinded because of a spirit of blindness. That spirit stops them from seeing the truth both within the Body of Christ as well as outside. That blindness might be more serious than the physical blindness.

A preacher once said that we could be “home-blind”, meaning that we do not see the things in ourselves. I do not want to be “home-blind” nor do I want to be blind for the truths of the Word or The Spirit.

Some people live like an ostrich. He is hiding his head in the sand. Many Christians are doing the same. They do not want to see what is going on in the world. Some people see only the negative things. Others are shortsighted while others are far-sighted. That means that some only see the things that are close to them while others see the things that go on far away.

Do you know what?


Mother Else

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