The Family, part 2!

15th of September Last time my focus was on all the things that do not function and how the devil tries to destroy God’s plans for the family. This time I want to emphasize how a Christian family should function. Adam and Eve were called husband and wife from the very beginning. In 1.Chor.7:2 we read: “Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.” God is against free sex. It should take place within the ... (read more)

The Family, part 1!

1st of September I am going to write about the core family, but might even mention God’s family, the enormous one. The devil is attacking the family more than ever before. He knows that the family is important and does whatever he can in order to destroy the relationship between man and woman. He is thereby creating problems for the children growing up. The devil is also wiping out the conception of a mother, father with one or more children. I do not say that this is common, but in many ... (read more)

Faith, part 2

1st of July Part 2 We need faith for every area of our life and I will write about a few areas. I, myself, need teaching on healing right now and that’s why I will start with that. My faith needs to grow. Our faith comes from hearing and what we hear must be built on the Word of God. (Rom.10:17) When I write the truth about healing, our faith will grow and we can easier receive our healing. Many, many people are sick, both believers and non-believers and I am so glad that we have a God ... (read more)

Faith, part 1

15th of June To-day I will write about a subject that we all need to come back to again and again. I have written about faith many times in connection with other subjects, but never as a subject of its own. I am desperate for changes in my own life and for that I need faith. The Holy Spirit asked me to listen to teaching and preaching on faith and to read the Bible and books on faith and that’s what I am doing right now. We have a saying that goes like this: “What your heart is ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 5!

1st of April Part 5 This will be the last part of this theme. I have mentioned a lot of different forms of sin and attitudes that should not be part of a Christian’s life. It has actually been a presentation of the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit. I have called the works of the flesh for “dirty clothes” and the works of the Spirit for “nice and clean clothes“. We know which clothings that are pleasing to the King and we would also feel better when we ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 4!

15th of March Part 4 We will start by reading the Colossians the third chapter. In my Norwegian Bible the headline goes like this: “LAY ASIDE THE OLD AND CLOTH YOURSELF IN CHRIST!” We are encouraged to seek the things which are above. I have mentioned this several times before, but the truth is that if we are thinking about the things in the world, we become worldly. If we are looking at Jesus and His life, we become more like Him. In this chapter you will recognize many of the ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 3!

1st of March Part 3 I wrote in the second part that we should lay aside all forms of lying and dress in the Truth which lives in us who are believers of Christ. We have a free access to the Spirit of Truth. I mentioned that we should undress all falseness and hypocrisy. They might hide themselves behind a nice mask, but the Holy Spirit knows the difference between the real and the unreal. Non-believers can quite often tell me stories about Christians who are not real and that has turned them ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 2!

15th of February Part 2 I said last time that we had to get rid of the sin that so easily ensnares us. I mentioned sexual sins, but also our lack of passion for Christ. That is often caused by egoism. I mentioned fear, worrries and disbelief and called them sins. The last thing I wrote about was materialism. It wasn’t sinful to have money, but we should not worship them nor allow them to own us. What is one of the names of the devil? The Father of Lies. I do want us to undress all ... (read more)

What shall we do when we undress?

1st of February I had already written more on the subject of dressing and undressing when I got a question about how. What do we do in order to get rid of undisirable things and how do we put on Biblical clothes? I thought that the question was very appropriate, but I couldn’t give a simple answer. I started to pray for an answer that would be of help both for the one who asked and for the rest of my readers. We can often use a Biblical language and we might not know exactly what we ... (read more)

We will have to dress and undress in the year of 2009, part 1

15th of January Part 1 I was in prayer right before New Year. I got an inner picture of a person who was undressing and then another person who was in the process of getting dressed. I asked the Lord about the meaning of this and He said that we should not take with us any negative experiences nor any negative thoughts and attitudes into the new year. I shared this with those I met and encouraged them to take some time together with the Holy Spirit before they entered the year of 2009. They ... (read more)