Are you conscious of the environment? Part 1

1st of September It is very popular to talk about the environment in many different circles these days. It is not particularly a Christian topic. Many different youth-and political organizations have this on their agenda. You will find programs about this topic in schools, on TV and other media. Even if I haven’t been too involved in this, I do sort the garbage to-day. I have become conscious of recycling and I try to save bags instead of buying new-ones. When we talk about the environment, ... (read more)

What are the characteristics of a good leader? part 2

15th of August I wrote last time about honesty and humility. I wrote that it is very important to show respect for others. I mentioned delegated responsibility and used the wisdom of the father- in- law of Moses as an example. A clear communication is important. I listed some of the duties of all the Christians, but said that a leader has another position. You can be a leader on many different levels. My intension is to write to both Christian and secular leaders. When I write this, I ... (read more)

What are the characteristics of a good leader? Part 1

1st of August I have listened to a lot of teaching saying that all of God’s children are leaders. Some of that is true since Jesus gave His disciples the same authority and power that He had Himself. He gave us His name and His authority to use here on earth. We can read in John 14:14 that whatever we ask in His name, we will receive. We can use His name, but we are not to misuse it. God will naturally not answer requests that are in opposition to the Word of God. When Jesus sent out the ... (read more)

How do we react to oppositions and attacks? Part 2

15th of April Part 2 This is the second part of this theme. They belong together since my thoughts go a little back and forth and they should be read together even if they come out at different times. I mentioned that God is not totally sovereign and can do exactly what He wants and all attacks do not come from the devil. There are certain rules and spiritual principles. The devil will often use people to attack us, but the battle is not against human beings since we always should forgive men ... (read more)

How do we react to oppositions and attacks? Part 1

1st of April Part 1 I believe that I could get almost as many answers as there are people on this planet earth. I will write about the different reactions and what the Bible says about it. Where do the attacks come from? Who is sending them? Are all attacks from the devil? Some people blame everything on God. How can God be a good God since he does this and that? They think that God is a sovereign God and think that He can do anything without paying any attention to the devil and to mankind and ... (read more)

The Prophet, part 8!

1st of February Part 8 This will be the last part of this theme, at least now. I do not believe that I have covered everything there is to say about the prophet, but I will close this for the time being. I did mention some of the problems of the prophets in the Old Covenant. They announced judgment over sin and idol-worship and that was not and still is not very popular. Prophets did and will still experience quite a lot ofrejection. A prophet sees, hears and reveals things that others ... (read more)

The Prophet, part 7!

15th of January I have underlined that every new born Christian can hear from God and we can all prophesy, but all of us do not have a prophetic gift. Even less are called to be a prophet. I am not saying that the prophet is so exclusive, but most Christians have a regular job in the secular world. Only a few are called to one of the fivefold ministries. I have been to countries with a small church on every house-corner. The reason is the fact that so many think that they are called to be ... (read more)

The Prophet, part 6!

1st of January Part 6 I am not allowed to continue with another theme even if we are entering a new year. You can use this material as teachings, beneficial for yourself as well as others or even your Bible-school. I find it easy to write about the prophet and his ministry will not become less important in the future. In The Old Testament we find three important offices, the king, the priest and the prophet. God spoke to and through them. The Holy Spirit came over them or they were visited by ... (read more)

The Prophet, part 5!

15th of December Part 5 A new era started on the Day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was poured out. We are now talking about the beginning of the Church. This was prophesied by Joel and will last until Jesus returns for His bride. I will also write about Jesus as a prophet and some others functioning in the gap between the old and the new era. John the Baptist is probably the most known one. He was a forerunner of Jesus. He was supposed to prepare His coming to this earth. To-day we have many ... (read more)

The Prophet, part 4!

1st of December Part 4 I am in the process of going through the prophets of The old Testament and we have come to the prophet Habakkuk. The name means to embrace or to cling to. It is probably the last meaning which suits Habakkuk the best. He had to cling to God in spite of what happened to his people. He didn’t always understand why God did what He did, but he clung to God anyway. Habakkuk is a prophet in a time that is called Judah’s struggle for death. The people were called ... (read more)