Israel, hatet and loved!

15th of November I was recently in Israel for my third time. I had two trips in the year of 2008 and one trip I got almost free. The Israeli airline had sold more seats than their capacity and I had to return home by another route. I arrived home only half an hour later. For this inconvenience I got a free ticket. I mention this so that you can see their generosity. This is not common. I travelled with a Finish/Swedish group this time. My friend and I travelled to Israel for the purpose of ... (read more)

Are you conscious of the environment? Part 3

1st of October I have stated that sin pollutes the Body of Christ, each individual and the entire population. I did mention some examples in the last chapter and I have no intension to come with a long list of names for the innumerable sins. The Bible says that everything that is done without faith is sinful. I could fill pages only under this category. 1.Cor.13 says that whatever is done without love is useless and a lot of it is sinful. If we violate the ten Commandments, we sin and that ... (read more)

Are you conscious of the environment? Part 2

15th of September I wrote about TV, data-games and about the home last time. This time I will concentrate on the church and the Body of Christ here on earth. I am actually writing about you and me then. We who have received Christ are all members on the Body and without us there would not be a Body of Christ. Each and every one of us got inoculated in the Body the day we got saved. If you are wondering if you are there, ask yourself following question: “Have I received Jesus Christ as my ... (read more)

Are you conscious of the environment? Part 1

1st of September It is very popular to talk about the environment in many different circles these days. It is not particularly a Christian topic. Many different youth-and political organizations have this on their agenda. You will find programs about this topic in schools, on TV and other media. Even if I haven’t been too involved in this, I do sort the garbage to-day. I have become conscious of recycling and I try to save bags instead of buying new-ones. When we talk about the environment, ... (read more)