I love the time before Christmas, during Christmas and after Christmas. I have a few times become stressed because of all the demands and everything that has to be done. I used to send a lot of Christmas cards and letters. The house must be in order and be decorated, the tree must be decorated, and I also keep the traditions of buying gifts. I do not bake a lot, but a few cakes must be made. This year I have a few family members with problems and some of the traditions become less important. It is more important that I am there for those in need. I also want to take time to pray for them. Things that before were very important are not so important any more.
Traditions might be a blessing, but the wrong traditions might function as curses. In some countries traditions are based on occultism. In Scandinavia we think of baby Jesus that was born in a stable. The adult Jesus that became the Saviour of the world is not so clear for everybody. In Norway where I grew up, it was very common to go to the Lutheran church on Christmas Eve even if you didn’t attend church the rest of the year.
Christmas is often a time when families are getting together. People are travelling far in order to be together with their parents, sisters and brothers and the rest of the family. When you are married many have a tradition that you spend Christmas with her family one year and his the next year. The expectations are high during Christmas season. We are supposed to be happy around good meals, share gifts, play games and do other fun things together. The house and the tree should be decorated, and the star must be in the window. All the candles are braking the effect of the dark time of the year. None of these traditions are sinful, but what about those without a family and those lacking money to buy gifts and good food? I talk to people where there are many unsolved problems in the families. They are afraid that there would be discussions between certain members of the family. The atmosphere might be tense. Quite a few people ask me to pray for them during Christmas. They meet Christmas with fear more than joy. Some people choose to be alone instead of meeting with the family. Is it possible to do something about these kinds of conflicts? I believe that it is. People need help to communicate, solve misunderstandings, forgive each other and show love. Some people think that everybody should think like them. That is not right. I have friends and family that have certain other opinions than myself. I do not need to touch those subjects. If we meet people with an attitude of grace and love, it is not so important that we agree on every matter. We Christians have a tendency to think that everybody should think like us.
There is a lot of self-justice in the Body of Christ.
The head line points to the expectations of being happy during Christmas season, but quite a few find it difficult to have those feelings. You might suffer from a serious sickness that gives a lot of pain. It might be that you are in sorrow and many feel very lonely. Some are even lacking a home to live in. What are we Christians doing for those who find it hard to hear: Merry Christmas? Some are arranging celebrations for those lacking a family and some churches take care of those coming from another country. This is good, but there are still many in need.
I recently saw a program from the Norwegian television. They gave out food to many. Stores and restaurants gave away the food that before would have been thrown away. This was in the so called rich Norway.
Do we Christians remember that the Saviour and the Light of the world lives on the inside of us. The Word says that we have received a new nature. The old has passed away. (2.Chor.5:17) It shouldn’t be circumstances deciding how we feel. We have always something to thank the Lord for.
A lot of the world is in darkness, but we Christians should light the world since the Light is in us. We must show the world that Jesus is the hope for this world. We can share that Light and that Hope in words and deeds. Just think if you could give Jesus as a Christmas gift this year. It would make both the other person and you happy.
I have sometimes asked Jesus what He wishes for His birthday. I might have given an envelope under the tree with money to some needy or I have taken my family to a nursing home where we have shared the gospel in words and deeds. Jesus says that whatever we do for one of the least, we do for Him. (Matthew 25:40)
Let us stop to have too much focus on traditions and all the emotions around Christmas.
Mother Else
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